Oct 10, 2013

The Apple of my Eye

They say carrots are good for the eyes, but I think apples have a way of making the heart see what the eyes may missed...

My barber husband and I went apple picking a few weeks ago. We visited a Missouri orchard that is 200 years old, and we were there the first day of apple picking season. We had the entire orchard to ourselves, and just when I thought I couldn't love my special one a single ounce more...

...my heart for my beloved grew a bit more by just watching him enjoy himself so much. So I thought I would write about my thoughts of that day. I don't always write a lot about my barber husband. 

Maybe I should. 
He is great writing material in many ways.

While there are millions of fab husbands out there, I only know mine. 

And he is fab. 

And that is the real reason I should write about him more - his fabulousness. Fabulous mainly because God made him perfect for me. HE isn't perfect, but he is perfect for ME.

Big difference :-)

It was really nice to have the whole orchard to ourselves. The day was a spur of the moment. I found the orchard the night before, online, and asked if he would like to drive out and pick apples. To my surprise, he had never picked apples before...funny how one can live with another, and still find out something new about them without even really trying.

I so enjoyed watching him get excited by the apples and there were tree-fulls from which to choose! Several times, he would call over his shoulder, looking for me, "Aren't you going to pick some apples, baby doll?" He didn't realize that I was enjoying myself more watching him from a distance and snapping a pic here and there. 

It felt like Christmas in a way, walking between the trees, filled with apple ornaments. The color of the apples are what you see...so bright, almost seemed like a movie set.

But, I really had my eye on my beloved, not the apples. He was the brightest thing in the orchard - to me.

It's funny the things we love about our spouses...things that maybe others would never see, and that is okay. 

I love when he wears he overalls and hat. There is a certain masculinity about it that he doesn't see. He is only after comfort and to keep his little round head from frying in the sun.

I see it differently. 

Where he may see comfort and practicality, I see a man who enjoys life, on his terms. And I find that very attractive.

Even more attractive? A man who finds interests in other people. He can talk to anyone, and I mean anyone, without even caring where they live, what they do, how much they make, where they come from, or what they believe. 

He knows everyone has a story. After all, he is a barber. For 27 years he has heard snippets of stories from behind the barber chair. And over the years, those snippets become full-blown real life novels of those who shared their hopes, losses, grief, and joys with him. Between sounds of scissors and buzzing clippers, a story usually unfolds with time. 

And I think that is what I have learned the most from my beloved. Things take time. And taking time out is even more important, while waiting, working, hoping, and wanting time to speed up when wanting something.

Like I said, this apple orchard farm is 200 years old. That is a long time to work at something. And yet, here we are, 200 years after it began, spending the afternoon picking at something that took so long to create, nurture, and grow.

But I feel very blessed that it was no time at all, before I realized that I wanted to spend the rest of my time here on earth next to my overall-wearing man.

This pic is how I really see him. He fills my world with color and happiness. And I guess I just wanted to share a little of  his fabulousness with you all. 

He had no idea I took this photo. Why? 
He was taking time out to stroll the orchard and appreciate all that went into it, and I stood back to appreciate him.

May your part of the world be a place where you find contentment and take time out to appreciate all that is around you. 

Especially your loved ones.

from my house to your house,



  1. I too have a Mr. Gorgeous (Fabulous) -- gifted to me later in life...and as you say - not perfect, but perfect for me!...And perhaps because it is later in life, and time seems so much shorter, I too pause to observe, and look, and appreciate and honor him...he is an enigma, and is quite the reflection of his Father!...thank you for sharing from a very full heart!!!

  2. I love this Bob Marley quote; I think you will too.

    “He’s not perfect. You aren’t either, and the two of you will never be perfect. But if he can make you laugh at least once, causes you to think twice, and if he admits to being human and making mistakes, hold onto him and give him the most you can. He isn’t going to quote poetry, he’s not thinking about you every moment, but he will give you a part of him that he knows you could break. Don’t hurt him, don’t change him, and don’t expect for more than he can give. Don’t analyze. Smile when he makes you happy, yell when he makes you mad, and miss him when he’s not there. Love hard when there is love to be had. Because perfect guys don’t exist, but there’s always one guy that is perfect for you.”

  3. A beautiful and touching post my friend. Thank you for sharing your heart and talents. Laura

  4. I'm all teary-eyed and I need a tissue! This is a beautiful post-inspiring, lovely-full of you as well as your husband. I'm not saying it well.... God bless you-it touched me deeply.

  5. You should write more about your fab husband, or should he now be called farmer husband. Those overalls fit him well, reminded me of the ones my granddad used to wear. We'd also like to hear more about his fab wife (you)!! Loved the story.

  6. So sweet. It is in the simple days we find the most happiness, i think. These are my favorite kind of days. Overalls are the best!

  7. Hi Mark

    You are so right...I think finding love later in life is a special gift. While I wish so much we could have met in our 20's, who's to say that I would have valued our relationship as much had we. Thank you for sharing!

    Big hugs

  8. What a wonderful inspiring post! Thanks so much for sharing. I'm in love with your photography, just beautiful! New Follower.


  9. Hi Brenda

    Thank you for the lovely quote! I have never heard that before and it is so "perfect" and true. I will definitely be using this quote in the future.

    Thank you for taking time out of your day to share it with me!
    Big hugs

  10. Hello Laura,

    Thank you for visiting, and know it means a lot to me. Hoping your world is going well and that you are doing what makes you happy.

    Lots of big hugs

  11. What a wonderful memory you two made together...and you've captured it beautifully!
    Thanks for sharing with us!

  12. Dearest girl, what a wonderful tribute to your man, and such a special man he definitely is. The images in the apple orchard are so beautiful - I wanted to be there with you.
    But here I am in Prague with my wonderful guy! He brought me to Budapest, Vienna and now Prague to celebrate my huge birthday (dare I say seventy - looks better spelled out, a little more gentle, than in glaring numbers!). He feels bad - came down with a sinus infection - but has been such a trooper showing me everything and pounding the cobblestones alongside me. Yep, we're lucky gals aren't we, having beautiful men to make sure our lives are good. Mine being of Irish extraction talks to everyone too!!!

    Thanks for the story - you always make your posts interesting and visually lovely.

    Hugs from the Czech Republic.
    Mary X

  13. Can I love him too? Because he is very special.

  14. Dear Elizabeth,
    this such a wonderful post, full of love! True love!!!
    Thank you so much,

  15. OH Elizabeth
    your sounds are of a woman in Love

    I have no man to love now in my life and your story reminds me of years pass in my life when I did

    Those are some pretty apples girl

  16. Elizabeth, sweet beautiful lady!
    I love hearing what you see, in fact it truly touched me to read that you enjoyed watching him in his moment, I so recall feeling that emotion myself treasuring those times whole heartedly, so much so that you see things through them. Being divorced you often lose sight of those moments, spending time with you only refreshes a heart to those soulful moments that once was.
    I hope that someday I too will have a barber husband, well, you know what I mean, maybe not a barber but close enough.

    I love that he is man enough to put on those overalls and wear them like non-other...Elizabeth my daughter when she was young wore them all the time, I guess that love of comfort perhaps came from me, I too remember wearing them when I was in Jr. High school they were all the rage. Back to my daughter she never knew what to call them when they were in the wash and could not find them, about age 3-ish she would tell me that she wanted to wear hear seat-belts ! Yes this is what she called them, I guess this may have been because often I would say to get come on get in the car buckle up your seat belt, her over-alls must have reminded her of seat-belts; buckling up !

    Well, you started out my day encouraging me to go pick something.
    Thank you dear friend for sharing your passion, heart, sight, and profound everything-ness !

    Waiting to see what next brings you joy!

    How is that sewing project coming along?
    See you thought we would all forget :)
    Have a beautiful weekend, thank you for sharing your heart.
    As for your barber husband he did more then just pick apples, he added that much more to your hearts story.



  17. oh! even in this semi-arid place we call cali...it's apple time! i LOVE it!!! welcome fall!!

    m ^..^

  18. Debra,

    You said it perfectly.. :-)

    Glad you stopped by and big hugs

  19. Teresa,

    You are too sweet, and I like it like that , too! I will write more about me when you start writing about your fab self! :-))

    Always happy to hear from you,
    Big hugs

  20. Keri,

    Yes, overalls are the best - I have a pair as well. When I wear them, I am sure it is making a fashion statement - a statement that is probably best left unheard! Hahah

    Big hugs

  21. Thank you Jody and Stan for following and for finding me. I am so happy to have you stop by once and again.

    (Love your pic!)

    Big hugs

  22. Sandi!

    Thanks for stopping by - and for the lovely comment.
    Hoping all is well in your world.

    Big hugs

  23. Mary,

    First, I can't believe you age! Secondly, I can't believe your energy. And finally, I can't believe how much you travel, girly!! You are an amazing person and so happy to be able to call you my friend.

    Thanks for visiting me here in the Midwest from wherever you may by the time you get this comment!

    Big hugs and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  24. Deb,

    There is enough of him to go around - and I mean that in a good way :-))


  25. Janice,

    I appreciate your comment and know that wherever you go, you give love to so many. Richard speaks so highly of you.... :-)

    Big hugs

  26. Dore,

    You are so funny! I am now calling my husband's overalls "seat belts." I told him your story and we both laughed and I just love that. Just the other day we were driving somewhere, and I looked over and said, "I love you in your seat belts!" He laughed and knew what I was talking about.

    And yes, you will be happy to know that my next post is on sewing!!

    Love you lots girly,
    Big hugs

  27. M,

    I'm with you! I LOVE fall and wish it would last longer!

    Love your blog - and especially love your post with Jane in the kitchen....great!
    Big hugs

  28. Thank You Melinda,

    for stopping by. Glad you visited!

    Big hug

  29. Hello Elizabeth! I love your blog and I have great respect for you and your work! I swear I can smell those apples! Thank you for sharing this adventure we call life with us! By the way.... I have been meaning to ask for the bread recipe (for the photo at the top of your blog.) It looks fabulous! Take care! Blessings to you and your Barber Husband.


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