Jan 5, 2014

Snowing Outside, Shining Inside

Greetings from the North Pole!


I can't tell you how much I have been wanting to "visit" with you for over a month now! I missed you and long story short...my entire computer system (two of them) are being completely revamped, backed up, updated, and completely wireless and getting all upgraded systems. What should have taken only two days is now going on over a month! I won't bore you with this, but at the moment, my laptop is on "pause" which means I can post something quickly and get it back to whatever the tech guy needs to do. I am a little frustrated, as I had wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I sincerely hope the holiday season has been good to you all.

While it may look like the North Pole, I'm only in the Midwest under a blanket of snow as I type this out quickly. I can only post Iphone images for now, as my computer...well, never mind, that, too, is frustrating...aacck!...time to maybe get an Ipad?

But I digress; I snapped the above picture with my Iphone right before I began this post. My little holiday lanterns that I love are getting a little coating of snow, it seems.

And out my back window, I snapped this, as you can see the snow falling better. I will admit, it has been a very cozy day over here. A big pot of split pea and ham soup simmering, and candles lit.

I usually begin the first of the year, reflecting on the past year, or dreaming about the new year in front of me. But this year, I would like to share with you an article that I clipped out of the newspaper, I think, about 15 years ago! I came across it again recently, and how this article really resinates with me at this time in my life. I thought you might enjoy it as well. 

The article is written by Catherine Galasso-Vigorito:

Enthusiasm Kindles Confidence, Energy

Best-selling author Napoleon Hill wrote, “Enthusiasm, if fueled by inspiration and perseverance, travels with passion, and its destination is excellence.”

A powerful transformation takes place when we are around sincerely enthusiastic people. They motivate us into action, encourage advancement and create the energy we need to ponder innovative ideas, to believe, and the sustaining power needed to achieve.  And their ambitious, optimistic approach is positively infectious.  Enthusiastic people find each day an adventure and lend enchantment to the ordinary.

It’s been said that one of the best gifts we can give our children is enthusiasm.

I was impressed with a story I read about wildlife artist John James Audubon (1785-1851). One of the greatest naturalists that America ever has produced; Audubon’s story is one of triumph over adversity. A lover and observer of birds and nature, he was a person of legendary strength and endurance, and he also had a deep appreciation and concern for conservation.

Audubon would vanish into the wilderness for months, and when he would return, he would have numerous, precious drawings of birds.  Once, after months of being away, he opened his trunk where he had stored his cherished drawings, and found that the rats had gnawed at them, destroying his works of art.

Audubon professed to a friend, “They have destroyed my drawing, but not my enthusiasm.” Thereafter, Audubon produced some of his greatest watercolors.

It’s enthusiasm that accomplishes. Moreover, enthusiasm is much more than just a zest for work; it is for all of life and living. Enthusiasm is priceless possession to cherish, for life’s challenges cannot break a person whose spirit is warmed by the sun of enthusiasm. It releases the power to lift us above our obstacles and adds significance to all we do.

Winston Churchill said, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”

And HarryS. Truman, our 33rd president, said, “I studied the lives of great men and famous women, and I found that the men and women who got to the top were those who did the jobs they had in hand, with everything they had of energy and enthusiasm.”

Remarkable accomplishments have resulted from the communication of ideas and enthusiasm, for all achievements have their beginning in an idea, and enthusiasm is the sustaining power of great thoughts.

Genuine enthusiasm is contagious, and so is the lack of it. We must tune out the pessimist, not letting cynics drag us down. Having an enthusiastic mindset means being continuously on guard against negative forces.

Success and creativity grow and flow only in the a positive, upbeat environment. We are the ones who create that atmosphere, and we must build a strong hold of defense around it. Nothing determines who we will become so much as those things we choose to overlook. 

Aways search for the good. 

If someone says or does something hurtful, it says something about the other person, not about you. Some like it when you are down. It makes them feel superior. Toxic individuals are like quicksand and can torpedo any enthusiasm.

Have cheerful, honest friends near, those who are heartening and helpful. Keep your mind on the good things of God and off of the things you do not want. By cleaning out the dark corner of your mind, creativity immediately will fill it. 

Reader Tammy DiCarlo wrote, “After 27 years as a registered nurse, I have recently changed careers and opened up a yarn specialty shop. Yarn artistry is very nurturing and therapeutic. I feel like I left one career of nurturing the body to a career in nurturing the soul. When I give my customers a welcoming and enthusiastic greeting, their response is, ‘We welcome you!’”

Those who are excited with enthusiasm and allow it to take hold and govern their thoughts find that new worlds open for them. As long as enthusiasm is there, so will newfound possibilities. 

Cherish your visions and your dreams. And through persistence and prayer, let’s follow our hearts, proceeding enthusiastically with our plans and joyfully living our lives, giving our all.

Hello, it's me again. Isn't that a great article? And it is so meaningful at this time of my frustration with my dang computers and not being able to do what I want to do (for a very long time now). But, I will say, I am very excited and very enthusiastic that once all is completed, I will finally be able to produce like I've been wanting to for a very long time now. Like Churchill said, "...It is the courage to continue that counts."

What about you?

Could 2014 be the year that you reenergize your enthusiasm for that special dream you had at one time? You know the one I am talking about...that goal, wish, or dream that still nags you in the back of your very busy mind; the one that you will "get to" one day, just not today? 

Your goal may be something simple like finally cleaning out the closet and getting rid of all those clothes you no longer wear. Or maybe,your dream is to have a huge garden next spring. Or perhaps, maybe your goal is something like finally learning how to make homemade bread. Whatever the goal, dream, or hope may be that is still nagging in the back of your mind...take comfort.

That little "nagging" is often mistaken as drudgery, regret, guilt, or just plain work. But it is really...a little voice tapping you back into enthusiasm to get started! And that is why I love my readers so much...your blogs that I visit, the emails I receive, so often, rev me up and keep me going to do/get/create that special "nagging" goal. 

We all need each other, and I am so grateful to have you all in my life. You'd be surprised how a simple comment, or a post that I may read on your blogs, kick-start me back into action. 

Well, it seems that my little holiday lanterns are starting to look like snow cones. I went out and snapped another image to see how much snow has fallen in just a very short time. My steps are losing their ability to call themselves "steps," but rather they are quickly turning into a slide!

These little lanterns still have their little flame inside...but the snow drifts are covering up the light. I can either wait for the snow to melt to enjoy the lanterns' light...or, I can go out and brush off the snow around them so not only to enjoy their light, but to remind me that it I am the one "who creates my atmosphere" and I have the ability to let my surroundings shine, if I so choose.

And that is the beauty...we all have the ability to choose when or how we will shine. I take in your brightness every time I "visit" with you, your blog, or read a comment, and for that, please know I am so very grateful for you make my life much brighter.

May 2014 be the year that is brighter and more hopeful than ever before for you and your family.

from my house to your house,
