Aug 21, 2006

Elizabeth House loses its gem!

For those of you who have had the pleasure of getting to know my right hand, right foot, and even left foot for that matter, Sharon, then you will understand my extreme sadness of seeing her leave the Elizabeth House family. Sharon has been working on developing her own online business, She is a very talented paper artist that designs and makes custom cards and journals. Her fine items are sold at Elizabeth House.

What is so ironic about her decision to work on her card business full time is that she told me it was my blog that inspired her to leave! After she read my "Dream, Plan, Do" posting, she told me decided right then that she needs to "shit or get off the pot" as my delicate little flower of an employee so colorfully said. She had been planning this venture for some time and now is the time to just "do it" as the phrase goes. So she is.

While I will miss her greatly, I am so very happy for her! I have no doubt that she will be a huge success along with her business partner, Anne. I might have lost a gem of an employee, but I gained so much more: a business collegue and the opportunity to have had some influence on a very talented woman taking a chance to live her passion. And that is what Elizabeth House is all about. To inspire others to step out and live their passion. And what a great honor to have inspired someone that I admire greatly. Because Lord knows, her guidance, counsel, and compassion have done more good than words can describe.

Sharon knows that no matter what, she always has a place within the Elizabeth House family. I hope she will be able to help out on special events, such as my annual Christmas Open House, held the first Friday of December. This photo was taken at our last open house, in which Sharon and I shared and celebrated with an entire bottle of pear wine, upstairs in my apartment, before we went down to the store to "do our thing" with our wonderful customers. I had champaigne punch during the open house, and by the time this photo was taken, we were happy!

So, that leaves me without a gem. Elizabeth House is in need of someone to at least attempt to fill Sharon's shoes. No one will really, but a close fit would make this business owner very happy. To see the job duties and requirements, please visit Craig's list at for details. If you know of anyone who may fit the bill, please pass along their name.

Sharon will be "sparkling" at EH until mid September or so. Stop by and wish her well. Oh, and get on her website and order some stuff...the woman is trying to make a living, dang it! And I already know that Sharon would want me to tell you all that the website is under construction and it "isn't the real thing yet." Yes, Sharon we get that. :-)

from my house to your house,


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