Apr 1, 2010

Busy as a Shutter Bug

Busy...busy...busy! I know, I know, I promised a pretty picture post this time around, but I just can't seem to get to it, but I have been working on pretty pictures - lots of them! Very revolutionary of me, this will be a short post because I am on a short deadline (actually, I am behind) to get some things accomplished. 

So a few quick notes and announcements. And yes, the bedding pictures really will be posted...soon...mind you..."soon" in my world, I have been told, is not "soon" in the real world...oh well, that is okay.

First, if you are a reader of Curious Sofa's blog, then you are aware that Debbie Dusenberry is going to be in the publication Where Women Create. This past weekend I have been out of town for five days doing a lot of shooting - with the camera, that is. I am shooting for Where Women Create. It is a wonderful publication that highlights creative women across the nation and the space in which they create. 

I am photographing the feature for Debbie's article for WWC, which comes out in September, I believe. I am also being featured in this WWC next upcoming issue (May) and feel very honored to be a part of such a wonderful publication. 

Coming up this May:

What a huge surprise to find that I will be on the cover! It is sort of freaking me out a little. But when I got the email only a couple of weeks ago it was so weird to be sitting in my office looking at my office on the cover a magazine on my computer. It was also nice to finally see my photography make the cover of a magazine! :-) 

And while in Kansas City this past weekend, I also photographed Amy Barckiham's studio for WWC as well as for her book and website. You may remember Amy from Country Living's women's entrepreneur issue. She owns Indygo Junction, a wonderful company of 25 years of selling patterns and wonderful designs. 

Me, Amy and Chloe the coolest cat who followed me around all day long... :-)

I then had the pleasure of a short visit (and every time it is TOO short) with Carol of of Raised in Cotton. I got to see her farm house and just melted right into the floor boards and left kicking and screaming because I was sure...SURE...SURE she had the wrong house...she had MY house...I LOVED, LOVED, and I mean LOVED it. If it was possible to have an affair with a house, then Randy would have to come up some pretty big furs and jewels to compete....she looked so good and happy and now I know why!  :-)

What you can't see is my hand twisting Carol's arm behind her back and that's is a painful grin on her face as I threaten her life if she doesn't turn over the keys to her home that very moment....I LOVE her house! She didn't give up her keys...damn! She is faster than she looks!

Well, more to come and lots of photos to down load and "git thim all purtied up fer the magazine folk" so I better go. (That's farmspeak...I'm getting ready to move into Carol's farmhouse!) I will fill you in a lot more about Where Women Create feature a little later too...

Oh, and before I forget...my website is being worked on as I type. I hope it will be up "soon" too. But remember, my "soon" is not like the real world's "soon" but I am finally getting my life to where I want it to be and expected to be back before my accident. It has been a slow recovery, and all my plans were knocked off the road along with my car, but I am glad to say that while it has taken a while, I am happy to finally be getting back on the path I had planned all along. 

Below are a few behind the scenes shots. I had the best (but hard working) long weekend with some very creative women: Debbie, Amy and Carol... all doing what they do best...inspiring others to do their best. What an honor to be around these women for five days...shooting beautiful, beautiful objects in beautiful surroundings. Laughing, joking, talking, talking and more talking about the biz. After a day of shooting, I was treated to a night out of my pick at different places (Italian, bar-b-que, Mexican, and then one night, a take-in of Whole foods while sitting in jammies). 

And now, I get to share it with you all, a wonderful group of people, that are always near my heart.

Thanks for visiting me and I will keep you posted. You mean a lot to me.

Carol with Debbie on the porch as I am gawking with my camera...

Out of all the hard work in her home...Carol is most proud of her electrical box...apparently the old box was an "old sparky" that had a life of its own whenever it got overheated and that didn't set well with Carol.

I am packing my bags as you read this....move over Carol....Randy and I don't need much room...

Carol told me that some lady wrote in and said that a white bicycle meant "death." Okay people, I have heard of putting a white wreath on a front door for a funeral or a white bow on a door for an infant death, but I just can't figure out who rides around on a white bicycle in town announcing "death." And where does one go out and buy an all white bike anyway? And if it does mean death, does one just go out and buy one, put in in the garage and wait for a death in order to ride it around town? And how fun would that be? Riding down then street on your white "death" bike and the neighbors seeing you ride by...what are they supposed to say? "Hey there, Elizabeth, nice day for a ride, isn't it? So, who's the occasion? Great Aunt Mary? She wasn't looking so hot in church last Sunday....kind of peaked if you ask me...or is it Grandpa Willy? He's getting on in years..." I mean, what kind of bike ride is that? The ride of death? Has ANYONE ever heard of a white bike meaning death? Okay, I am done now.  I will move on... or rather, ride on....just crazy if you ask me...not that you asked....but really...okay, I'm done now for real...it's getting late...

Carol had this porch swing forever in storage and now it fits perfectly! And yes, she even has wild geese living in her yard...they honked a little and posed for photos.

I just had to show you one photo on the inside. I could show you tons, but I don't know if Carol wants me to or not and I forgot to ask. She is still setting up and I don't want to spoil it for her. But I had to show at least one. Is this area to die for or what? I wanted to just lie all over this table and claim it as mine....love it...and talk about swinging from the chandeliers! Just call me Chita...I would swing from this one...it is beautiful!

Hey! What happened! Where are we now? We are in the FAB Curious Sofa - she has this great new living area in her store and this is only part of it. I fell in love with it and took a ton of photos. When I first took a photo, I went crazy for it. So, I am only showing part of it for now. I love the straight lines and clean look but yet, vintage wire basket and "old" signs. The room is too good for photos. The signs are really heavy, not cheap. 

Yup, still in Curious Sofa. Love her new wallpaper and don't get me started on the bedding...

Okay, had to throw in one beauty shot, detail shot. This is at Amy's studio. She is all about notions and sewing. There are more where this came from. :-)

Here I am working away. This job took a lot longer than planned. Yes, those are my new glasses. Actually, they are my 4th pair in less than a year. My vision keeps changing back and forth and it makes my job much more tedious and I have to really rely on automated sounds and really watching the numbers now, which sucks. These glasses are not even a month old and they don't seem to work right (again) and I will be going in again soon to check the prescription as I found myself taking them off and on all day long trying to see the little numbers. My last pair of glasses only lasted about one month before my vision changed so it is about due for a check. But it is funny to see myself taking photos as I didn't realize how much I concentrated and the photo of the doll with the camera at the top of this post looks like how I feel at the end of the shoot...hahahaha. :-)

Thanks again for visiting. I appreciate your emails and well wishes. I hope you know that your notes, emails, and comments do make me smile and it touches my heart to know that in some way, my blog, or my photography, or my goofy stories somehow reach you too. I am glad we found each other....even if I have to squint to find you :-) 

"Do not worry about your originality. You could not get rid of it even if you wanted to." -- Robert Henri.

From my house to your house,