Jul 5, 2012

Feeling Fruity

Feeling a little fruity lately...

Maybe it is the heat? Or being stuck inside for two weeks trying to get things done, but finding so many other things to occupy my time rather than doing what needs to be done?

Well, nothing like getting a big batch of peaches, ripe in the season, to put off whatever chore is nagging at you, and use that as the excuse to delay it for yet another day.

When I brought these little peaches home, I sat them down in my wooden dough bowl, as I dug out my old canning and preserve book from the days when I used to can from my garden when I lived in Texas. My barber husband has never canned before, and so this is his first. I was going to get the first batch started and then when he came home, he could help with the second batch.

Well, I found my canning book and began reading it and as you can see by the light on in my kitchen, I was setting up for business, when I returned for my prized peaches.

I was excited to get started with the sterilizing of the jars, but as you can see, the sunlight was hitting the peaches just so...and so...I had to wipe my hands and get out the Canon and shoot "a few photos" of the peaches before I drop'em in boiling water so I can "skin'em" alive. Sounds a little evil now that I type that out.

If you think I can type out long blog posts, or those of you who have received "novel" emails from me, and those few "lucky" ones who endured marathon phone calls from me, you haven't seen anything when it comes to my picture taking. I get so caught up in the moment, taking so many photos, my hair could catch fire, and it wouldn't be until I noticed falling burnt hair, would I take note...and chances are I would "style" the burnt hair on the floor because I "have to get at least one shot while the light is good" before the ambulance took me away.

Of course, in the moment (can we say at least an hour?) I have no concept of time, or how many photos I am taking, or how I am lying on the table because a water droplet has the "light hitting it just so," or how I am grunting as I squat and curse because I squat again, and again, and again for the same shot because a cloud keeps moving, and I am fanatic about getting that light. Never mind that my knee is killing me...

But you see, I don't realize what a crazy fanatic I am until I download my photos and think, "I think I will share my 'few' peach photos with my readers," and suddenly I am staring at 158 photos! Now granted, many shots are exactly alike, just different settings that I am playing with, trying out, and testing.

So my point is, I have some more photos from this fruit cup to share to share with you. I played longer than I realized. You know how toddlers have their wooden blocks? Well, I have my peaches. And never mind about not playing with your food...

Remember, we don't stop playing because we get old. We get old because we stop playing. I am pretty sure my readers know all about that.

This little peach seems like she just wanted to come right up to  the computer screen and stare back at my readers and see what's all the fuss was about.  And the other peaches are hanging back waiting for her to report back to them. 

She is my kinda peach...just fruity enough not to be a sap.

More peach photos to come (not 158 though just a few more!). In the meantime, I hope you take some time to play too.

from my house to your house,



  1. You have a *beautiful* I thought it was a picture out of a magazine at first! Those peaches are beautiful, I don't blame you for having a major shoot with them!

  2. Ohmygosh, your photos are so fabulous I can SMELL those precious furry little goodies!

  3. Mmmmmm! Missouri peaches, you can't beat 'em!

  4. beautiful photos...such luscious peaches...and though my photos aren't as gorgeous as yours, I do understand getting caught up in the moment...thinking, "Just one more...or maybe this angle/distance" before I finally put the camera down and walk away!

  5. Really beautiful shots. Add to the greeting card line!

  6. Really beautiful shot! Add these to your arsenal for the card line...

  7. You take beautiful photos! Those peaches look delicious, where did you get them from?

  8. These photos remind me of the rich oil paintings of the masters. Gorgeous!!!

  9. So happy you keep playing!
    If you haven't canned them all yet you should try slicing a few and soaking them in zinfandel...very yummy!

  10. Let's call that last little "peach of a peach" Elizabeth. She just naturally stands out.
    These photos remind me so much of a Wyeth painting...who btw just happens to be my fave artist.


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