Mar 21, 2013

Big Girl Playpen

Big Girl Playpen

Ever see a content toddler in a sandbox? Or a little one banging pots and pans completely happy with nothing but a wooden spoon? Well, I don't think we ever really grow out of those moments. We just either overlook them, or we are convinced our "toys" just get bigger, more costly, and just don't keep us occupied enough to justify the time and energy to engage them.

I am getting my camera back in hand, and I am discovering "toys" all around me, which is nice, as I really need to sit a lot on the sofa, with my knee still secure in a brace for hours at a time. So, I find my "playpen" to be wherever I happen to be, and in this case, it was on the sofa of my good friend's home, Debbie Dusenberry. One early evening, she had fabulous light coming in near her fireplace, and I found all sorts of "toys" to play with within arm's reach, and out came my camera...

I shot these photos in an "old world" style, as I am craving old England lately. My barber husband and I have been online watching some fabulous documentaries and I realize how I so miss certain design elements of the old world that I experienced while living in Europe. And this chair, the plaster, and the sun coming in as it did, gave me a moment of playtime and some daydreaming as though I were living in another era for a moment.

I think sometimes, we forget that the simplest objects around us are made beautiful by the simplest of all things: sunlight.

Sometimes, I wonder if dawn and dusk are mother nature's Botox...

...because no other light could make a simple oil can seem regal. 

I think old objects get even better with age. I am not one to want the new and the shiny. I think because I like a good story and the new just haven't been around long enough to collect one. I hope you enjoyed my little playtime with my "toys." I took several more photos that I may share with you later. It is very late, and I realize that I am still "playing." 

My mother used to tell me often that I was a "night owl baby." She said I would wake up about midnight and yell from my crib, "Hey! Hey! I want to play!" And my dad said I would keep yelling this until one of them would pick me up and carry me downstairs to a special playpen that they set up just for me for my night owl outings. Mom said they could hear me banging, and laughing and gurgling all night long, all content. Then about 5AM, she said, my banging of toys would get slower and slower, as I finally nodded off, just in time for them to wake up and come down and get me to take me back upstairs to my crib again. She did everything she could, she said, to get me to sleep. I would be up again about 8AM, playing all day long. I have been this way my entire life...a true night owl...playing long into the night.

Except I don't bang around so loud now...more like tapping on my keys of the computer. But in my head, I do feel like yelling sometimes late at night, "Hey! Hey! I want to play!" But my barber husband isn't a night owl...heck he is barely a dusk owl! So, like my toddler days...I play contently alone late at night and I am happy. It is quiet (but no Botox sunlight to play with!) and peaceful.

Here is to your playtime - day or night. No big toys needed...just a little playpen and some time to look around a bit...and then go have a ball...or two, or three...or...

from my house to your house,


  1. Wow, these photos really speak to my soul. I'm so glad you were able to capture those moments of simplicity in beautiful light.

  2. I love seeing your play pen through you eyes. Debbie I'm sure has the best props for displays around. Always loved seeing what she has as I do seeing what you do. Some of the Warrenton Antique Shows start today. Want to go and play there? I wish I were there today. Have a great day, T

  3. I am imagining the scene! You saying to Debbie, "put that oilcan up there", "okay, now open some books and stack them" as she is laughing and doing what you say :)
    Did you two discuss the $3 bowl from China worth millions? Hers look like it!!

  4. Unbelievably beautiful are so talented and I, for one, am so grateful that you shared these photos. I love looking at things through your eye.

  5. What wonderful pictures, they are like a step back in time. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Beautiful photos - I especially love the one with the chipped bowls and pottery...reminds me of all the love the comes from a grandmother's kitchen.

  7. These are amazing photos. You certainly had access to some beautiful old things. The china is truly inspiring. Hope you're doing well!

  8. Oh my...Wow...I absolutely love the photos! No surprise you found some great old toys at Debbie's house. Now I wanna play!

  9. Absolutely beautiful! I would love to have a wall of these pictures so I could look at them every day!

  10. as always I like your pictures and your new header

    I am a go to sleep early baby and get up early, my 2 best friends are night owls LOL I have 2 friends I love to go with however they don't want to leave the house till maybe 8-9 pm at night to go out to eat then a movie, heck my bedtime is late at 10 pm LOl

    then i'm up by 6 am at the latest

    sorry to hear that darn knee is still giving you trouble. I get a steroid shot Monday in a knee where I fell on it and it is still screaming ouch

    well dear keep sending up updates and lots more pictures


  11. To my lovely readers: Thank you for the lovely comments...I always enjoy reading them and getting a "visit" from yo all.

    I loved how many of your envisioned how Debbie was there grabbing things for me and setting up as I commanded....I had to laugh out loud for a couple of reasons...

    First, Debbie wasn't home when I took over her "toys" as I usually do when I isn't uncommon (over the years) for her to come out of her office, or to wake up and find me in my PJ's capturing her fab light and she finding her toys scattered about and she just smiles and rolls her eyes, as she knows her home and stuff is a free-for-all for me.

    Sitting on the sofa gets VERY boring, but I can get around very well with my brace....I have three for walking, and two for sitting to extend my knee so my leg will get straight (hopefully) one day again, and one brace I sit with to bend my knee so it will bend fully one day again.

    And as far as Debbie "fetching things and setting up things for me" ...I have to tell this funny story when she was so LOVING to drive all the way over to visit me on my birthday back in Dec, when I REALLY could not get up and walk around at all, and she had to push me around in a wheelchair, and I had to sit in the back seat of the car, with my leg sticking straight out, while she drove (and I was sort like a dog going to vet, with my head rocking back and forth, watching over the front seat where she is get the picture...)

    Well, on her last day of her visit, she drops her glasses and accidentally kicks them ALL the way under my sofa, my "island home" for over 7 weeks at that time. My barber husband had been taking care me, solely, since the last week of October, feeding me, taking me to the ER, hospitals, cleaning, me, meds, I was in GREAT pain back then and he trying to get groceries, and working full time and so on....VERY hard time back then...he was doing his best, and housekeeping was not very high on his list, and I don't blame him. He was one very tired man.

    Well, here is Debbie, with a broom, trying to get her glasses out from my sofa, and I was trapped on the sofa, and you couldn't believe all that she found! And you know you are great friends when 1) You are both laughing as she sweeps out balls and balls of cat fur, a pair of underwear (mine), and a small antique hatchet (don't ask) and 2) I am not even embarrassed because back then, I was lucky to even make it to the bathroom and couldn't care less about what was living under my sofa....

    She finally found her glasses, cleaned my house more, hung up some fab ornaments in my window for Christmas in a snap, and my house was so cheery with her around, that there isn't a thing I could ever top when it comes to that very fine lady.

    She is someone who not only "fetches" out my lost underwear and an antique hatchet, but also lets me play with her toys "just because" she is who she is - one fabulous friend.

    Big hugs to you all

  12. I swooned over these photos...yes, I agree...the old things are the best...the new ones have no stories yet...wishing you speedy recovery...BTW - I don't stay up late...barely past 8pm...but up at 3am is the perfect time to play - so quiet and serene...

  13. Imperfection captured in its perfection. Truly haunting and I just know there's a love story tucked in with the breadboards and oil cans just waiting to be wrote.
    Scratch that...I think you shared the love story in your comments about Debbie and y'alls friendship.
    That's a beautiful thing to behold as well.
    Praying for you girl. An injured knee will bring you to your knees quicker than anything else...I know. It will also bring out the best...and the the people who surround you. Thank goodness you've got the best.
    P.S. Having toys in the playpen is so much better than toys in the attic!

  14. I haven't been visiting your blog for a (longer) while - somehow I lost the link, but today I found it on another blog and came to visit.
    I must say your photos are just wonderful! Thanks for sharing!
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend, hugs from Germany, Monika

  15. Old World - that is it exactly. there is a quality to those photos that I couldn't figure out... I am not a photographer at all so have no idea how you get there, I just know it when I see it. At first I thought it was the light but that just seemed so obvious, and it was more than that... the light is beautiful, but then when you mentioned the plaster - that was it. The plaster must affect the light and the light the plaster and you caught it - so, so beautiful. What a gift, to be able to do what you do, and see what you see. A gift to you, and in turn, a gift to me.
    I do hope your knee continues to improve and that you heal completely with your full mobility. In the meanwhile, I will enjoy seeing you grab hold of whatever is within your reach...

  16. Oh, Elizabeth you captured my soul. Dawn and dust could be our Botox, it covers and shades a cast of beauty over everything the eyes see, you can even feel its beauty.
    Your friends view from the sofa is rich in beauty. Love the fireplace and what an impact it made to your site using as a header, just beautiful.

    You always amaze us ...(me) with amazingly taken photos finding richness in all you see. A simple chair stacked with bowls or books, as well as breadboards speaks a language of its own. I was in hopes of hearing your back and up doing all the things you want to. I am sorry you are still dealing with all the trauma from your leg surgery as of still. What does the doctors say about the progress in your recovery and how long is this going to go on for you?

    I was happy to see a new post from you, you inspire so much and it is always heart warming to visit you.
    See you soon, enjoy your week letting it inspire you.
    Keep dreaming, it's your vivid dreams that draw us in.

    Elizabeth anytime you would like I have a sofa you can lay around on anytime you want to, I am fluffing the pillows for you right now! :)


  17. Hello Elizabeth...thank you for sharing these photos from your soul and this beautiful story from your heart! Girlfriends are THE best, aren't they?!!

  18. Such amazing photos of just ordinary things - how do you capture the light that way dear? You are such a fabulous photographer....and designer! Your love of the old shines through and grabs at my heart.

    As for your own comment added here about Debbie - always knew she was a special lady, and now that's she's even more...........a rare breed and a keeper. You two together have an awesome friendship to cherish for a long, long time - like forever!

    Hope your rehab continues to bring less pain and more mobility very soon remain in my prayers.

    With love, Mary

  19. Sweet E,

    Gorgeous photos as always:) Deb has the BEST props doesn't she? Hugs and Hope that knee is healing my friend.

    Blessings, Carol


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