As I sit here in my favorite coffee shop, Kayak's Coffee, near Forest Park, and review these photos, I find it hard to believe that so much work is finally behind me! I have been working 18 hour days the last few days to bring to fruition a project in the making for months now. Although the project is not completed, a large portion is!

The above photos are the "before" picture of this one room that I, in conjunction with the architect, my carpenter, seamstress and upholster have been working on for months now. What an honor to be selected by the architect to help bring his vision to fruition and for allowing my input to take part in this fabulous home. I may not be able to afford a home like this, but it is a treasure to be a part of its completion. This room is for a teenage girl - a very lucky one! And she is such a sweet and very talented young woman, this room can't begin to demonstrate her sweet spirit, but it is a start.

Before photos of a tiny antique side table I am going to paint and a chair that I am redesigning and painting as well - all for this one room.
My, my, my, what could my seamstress, Maureen and I be up to in my workshop? We are creating a custom something for the room - you will have to wait and see what it is in the next posting! ;-)
Did I say "custom"? Yes, everything in this room is custom designed and built. Below is an example of how meticulous and detailed this room will be. What are they you may ask? You will have to wait and see.

Below are part of a wardrobe - I didn't get a photo of the true "before" of it. This is only a base coat. You will see the final piece in the next posting. Again, all of this is customized!

I cherish the opportunity I am given to create. But even better? The fact that my creations will be enjoyed by others, possibly handed down for generations, and that there is just a little piece of me sprinkled here and there in people's homes. While working on someone's piece, I often think of the recipient and how this piece will make them happy and the fact that there is not a single piece out in the world that is just like this.
My clients are truly getting a one-of-a-kind piece...and why shouldn't they? They, as people, are a one of a kind in their own right. And so are you. Never forget that. There is not a single person out there that is just like you - isn't that fantastic when you think of that? In a world of mass production, international trade, and "how to books" filling the bookstores' shelves, how comforting to know, that some things are not replicated and are truly unique - such as our spirit.
And sharing your spirit with others is like giving a very customized gift to them. The lucky recipients of your gift (your spirit) are truly getting a one-of-a-kind gift. And while most customized items are so expensive that most of us could never afford them - your one-of-a-kind gift is priceless. And what a joy to give and to receive a priceless gift! You are a very special treasure to me - and I mean that.
from my house to your house,
Thank you my dear friend for starting my Monday morning with your beautiful writing as always... You are a simply a unique treasure.... I can't wait to see the after photos... Love ya
Wow,...Stunning! I join in your joy of creating heirloom pieces for special people.
dear elizabeth,
what a wonderful post this evening!I have just come to visit and have come away feeling so inspired & uplifted!
Your thoughts about sharing your creative gifts, that you are able to give and share with others made me feel such a wonderfulness about being an artist and what it means, not just to us, but also to those we share our gifts with.
I cannot wait to see this most splendiferous room finished! A wonderful room of her own to immerse her spirit in.
you have a great gift indeed. Thank you for sharing it with so many.
oh, to be able to have you here!
I can't wait to see this room finished. Take LOTS of pictures, please!
The fact that you take such consideration in what the person is all about before creating for them is very significant. It is so important to remember that we are not all carbon copies. I just love your talent and professionalism.
As always, your work is inspirational!! I can't wait to see what you & Maureen have created. I look forward to the 'after' post!
Very interesting. I wonder if the one mystery item is part of a padded and or tafted headboard?
How right you are. Each person is unique and has something to offer to the world and all they encounter. Each person who enters your life offers something special, sometimes bad, mainly good.
I can not wait to see the finish project and sure it will be very special.
I enjoy reading your wonderful blog!
This room transformation is going to be fabulous. I love seeing before photos and cannot wait to see the results of your efforts in the after photos!
I live just across the Missouri River and a tad north of STL. I hope to visit your shop sometime!
Back Porch Musings wonderful. You have me hooked! I love the 'style' of the chair,desk and table. I can't wait to see the finished product...I can see I will love it already!
I'm sooo looking forward to the 'after' photos - please post them soon!
This looks like an exciting project..I will definitely be back to see how this room transforms. and what fun for you to put some fo your creative artistry in this room for the teenager...she will be very lucky, indeed!
Southern Hospitality
Have been awaiting another of your fabulous posts and, as always, it was worth the wait! Everything you do is so inspirational - the elegance of the old world touches, so exciting, love that chair! Wish I was that lucky teenager. Can't wait to see the finished room.
Elizabeth, thanks for making each of us feel we are important.
~ Mary ~
I discovered your blog just now and here is a day that begins so fine, thanks to your glimering blog !
Thanks for shring the beauty of your universe !
Thank you so much for visiting me Elizabeth and for adding your kind comments regarding my blog. I have been visiting you for some time, reading with interest about your life, your amazing home, your delightful shop - which I long to visit - and being inspired by your awesome work.
You are a special woman I feel blessed to know, even though it's a long distance friendship, because you are so creative. are kind enough to take time to share your many talents with others. We can glean little nuances from your beautiful photos, and your expressive words, and incorporate them into our lives and homes to make them special places which delight our hearts.
Looking forward to your next post, meanwhile hoping this week is another grand one in your full and busy life!
~ Mary ~
I can hardly wait for the after photos!
Wow...I can`t wait to see.....what a stunning post......isn``t it great to see a project grow and look at the before and have a unique gift and such an inspiration to me...thanx
Thank you all for the lovely comments! I always find it ironic when my readers write and tell me that I "made their day" with my posting, when it is you and your comments that make MY day! :-) This little community of my "cyber friends" is growing and I love that. Thank you for being a part of it!
I just got done reading your whole blog (whew!) and it was so great! All of your photos are great and I love all the advice for store owners. I hope to have mine open this early summer! So all of the tips are perfect. Keep it up!
This time of year especially commands new design and change...the nesting "thang" always hits me hard in the spring a time renewal and new growth...take a peek at my latest thriftin' "find"
later lovie!!!!
I absolutely can not wait until your next post!
O.K. Dear Elizabeth, finish the project, we're all waiting for the end results to inspire us!
Our association is having their spring tag sale the 21st and I can't wait to see what treasures I find to take home and do "my" magic with--I'll take inspiration from your pages and skills.
Thank you for the smiles and oh's each time I read your new "adventure".
Sigh...well, I'd love to hire you to help me design MY house! You have such a great eye. Really, that sweet teenager is one lucky girl!
I love that you get to do what makes you happy, and that probably fuels you through those 18 hour days. What a lucky girl to have you on her side to make her room as special as she sounds. It must help that you know her already. It isn't a job for a customer, but a gift for a dear friend...I just can't wait to see the finished pictures!!!
Elizabeth... it is a holiday and I have just finished watching a lovely movie that takes place in Provence. Someday I will go there and maybe with you and with my daughter. Till then I will wait to see the stunning bedding you are creating for me so when I am in my "room" I will feel like I am somewhere else.
This room you are creating for a lucky young lady will be magical I know.
I value our friendship and your talent. I am so glad we have crossed paths.
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