Happy New Year!
I hope 2009 has started out well for you all. I find that the new year always makes me think of the previous year and all that I did or did not do. The most exciting thing that happened to me in 2008 is marrying my wonderful husband, Randy. Right after the honeymoon, there was Thanksgiving, then the antique show in Kansas City, then Christmas and so on. I am finally getting to my wedding photos for you to view. I decided to make my wedding photos a new blog, as you will notice in the top left corner of this blog. My Carriage House Wedding is a new blog that will be updated frequently. I will post photos, wedding tips, behind the scenes work, family, friends, and continue to add photos as my friends and family give them to me. Please check this blog periodically as it will be updated. Also, please visit Atia Thurman's website, the photographer of my wedding. If you are on a diet, this eye candy is super delicious without an ounce of fat! :-)
I am finding much happiness with my new life. By "new" life, I simply mean that at age 45, I feel much younger than I am, I feel happier with my life's decisions, and I feel like I have lots of new adventures waiting for me. I want to thank you all for sticking by me when my posts aren't published as often as I would like. I appreciate all the emails and comments and I continue, to this day, find myself amazed at how many of you take the time out of your busy lives to send me a quick email or comment. I will never take that for granted and I am so very grateful for all of you. You inspire me more than you will ever know.
My next post will be some "eye candy" of a couple of article that were published in Romantic Homes magazine a few months back. I didn't announce my articles like I usually do, as I explained in an earlier post, I had a few troublesome months. I thought I would start the new year out with some photos of some projects and also tell you of some future projects that I am currently working on...thank you again for taking an interest.
Just in case you are wondering about the photo...that is my little guy, Monty. He is my little pug that now lives in Texas with his sister, Lulu, and their daddy. I miss him so much and when I took this photo, he was patiently waiting for me while I was on a photo shoot for Romantic Homes. He just sat and waited and waited. The wrinkles on his forehead are from him thinking he heard me open some food package and he is looking hopeful. Unfortunately for him, I was getting out a memory card for my camera, which was packaged in cellophane. His photos always makes me smile and I thought what a nice way to begin the new year - with a smile!
From my happy house to your house,
Happy New Year to you to my friend...I can't wait to watch and be inspired by all your adventures this year...I think it will be a busy year for us both...Love to you Cathy xxxxx
Welcome home Elizabeth!!
I's wonderful to see that you have set your feet on the path they are to follow :) As you wander down this path remember a couple of things; learn to be patient with yourself, walk at a pace that lets you savor life's moments and to create wonderful memories that will last you a life time.
When you have a small bit of time drop by my little corner of Bloglandia on the right side I have posted a set of "Road Directions" for me are both helpful and healthful :)
Pattie ;)
Maztlan Mexico
I just looked at your wedding pics and they are great. I can't wait to see more of them. At first I thought the wedding was at Lemp Mansion when I saw the pictures! How lucky your friends are to have such a great place. I love love love Gringo Jones aren't they the best.
I just looked at your wedding pics and they are great. I can't wait to see more of them. At first I thought the wedding was at Lemp Mansion when I saw the pictures! How lucky your friends are to have such a great place. I love love love Gringo Jones aren't they the best.
Best wishes for a very Happy and healthy 2009 !
I'm so happy that you and Randy are so happy!!
Sweet Elizabeth - Sending very best wishes for this New Year - know it will be your best ever!
Looking forward to seeing more wedding photos - you both looked perfect - and more magazine articles full of your fabulous designs.
I can't wait to see and hear more about your beautiful wedding! Did anyone get a picture of your mother-in-laws face when she saw you wearing her tablecloth! I am sure she would agree it looks so good on you. Not everyone could pull that off. You did it in style! Thanks for the update!
I am very happy about your "New life"! I found my new life with my hubby, a Randy too! We've now been married for 26 years (after a 13 year disastrous first marriage) and we continue to get happier and happier as they years go on. He is the best "Father-Dad-Granddad" to all 4 of my children their spouses and our grandchilren - all this coming from a man who never had children of his own (although he'd argue that point - he says my kids are "our" kids!)
Anyway, continued happiness and love. I visit often but have never left a message until now. Wanted you to know you are an inspiration to a lot more than you know!
Greeting from Nanzdiestschweiler, Germany, neighbor of Schoenenberg-Kubelberg! I was going back through my Romantic Homes magazines as we are putting in a new kitchen and I am looking for inspiration. While waiting for my car to be serviced in Homburg I leisurely read through the April 2008 edition to find your story! It is very neat to be reading about someone who has lived where I do and it seems as if your dream is being lived out in your American store! I LOVE FRANCE and travel there often to the second hand shops and hoping to go to some "vide-greniers" this summer! I would love any of your suggestions on where to go! We have lived here for 4 years and plan on staying for atleast another 6-7 since we purchased our home! You are an inspiration-I would love to open a store someday-did living here in Germany (living close to France) inspire your passion? Thank you so much and I hope to hear back from you! Blessings, Andrea
What a cute little Pug face. I'm so glad to have found you out here in Blogland.
All the best,
I just happened upon your blog for the first time tonight and read your entry for November. I just saw a show on television called Mystery Diagnosis which sounded so much like your story. A young girl was injured in a bad car accident and had headaches, dizzy spells, confusion, lack of concentration, etc. A doctor finally realized her pituatary gland had been damaged causing problems with her cortisol and adrenal levels. Once he got her on the proper medication, she improved. I just had to share this with you in case this is something that may have been overlooked like in her case.
Hi Elizabeth-
Thanks so much for recently visiting my blog and leaving a comment. You can't know how much this means to me. You see, you were the first artisian that I discovered the blogging world through, and it was because of your exposure in Romantic Homes magazine years ago when you first did that awesome "Ta Dah" article on Valentine's Day. That was when I discovered you, your blog, your former shops,your wonderful photography, your great design sense and was exposed to your creative energy. Your writing and photography is fabulous, and such an inspiration.
Just to let you know that I have admired you for years, so for you to compliment my jewelry designs, and props is the ultimate compliment and such a thrill. Honestly, you've made my week!
Thanks again! You and Karla Nathan are the two ladies that inspired me to create my blog.
A follower of your blog & style-
You have no idea what an inspiration you are. Your photography is breathtaking and I love your stories. I found you a long time ago from your stories in Romantic Home...please continue. I'm looking forward to more installments of your blog. With a lot of magazines closing, I look forward to blogs with even more excitement! Thank you again, Tami
Hi Tami,
Thank you for the encouraging words - they are a gift to me at the moment. Life has a way of taking over - both good and bad, but people like you who take a moment out of THEIR busy lives to send me a little note (always at the right moment, it seems) is a nice reminder to do what I love to do: take pictures and write.
I promise to get a blog out soon - with some pretty pictures as well - thanks for taking time to write me - it is very much appreciated over here :-)
All my best,
Elizabeth, I hope everything is going well in your life. I miss you're postings. Hopefully you'll have a new one soon?
Hillbilly Debutante
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