Welcome back to the "after" photos of the gorgeous home that I showed you a little earlier. If you remember, I showed you a home with huge windows in need of a little dressing. The owner (and friend) is a true romantic who wanted opulence without stuffiness and her request to me was, "Elizabeth, I want my bedding to remind me of a wedding dress and the drapes to feel like ball gowns...."
When this project began, the home had some construction issues that required the owner to vacate and move out while the floors were being completely replaced along with all the trim around the windows! Many months later, we finally got to install the drapes. These "after photos" show the drapes, but note the home is not completely unpacked yet. Shelves are still empty, walls still bare and the owner is still unpacking her boxes....but once we put up the drapes, she immediately said so happily, "Now finally, it is feeling like home!"
Nothing makes me happier than to see a house turn into a home. And even though this owner has many boxes to unpack and lots of shelves and walls to fill, the softness of the silky fabrics that hang so casually instantly provide what I like to call "livable elegance."
Please enjoy the photos and while most of us don't (well, at least I don't ) get to live in such a lavish home; this home, I assure you, is filled with the kind of love and friendliness that the little ole' cottage homes we so often think of when we think of "comforts of home." This lavished home is lavished with love!
Before: The family room while unpacking

These drapes are actually two panels. The top is tied to the bottom. I had lots and lots of inter lining sewn in to produced a heavy, lush feel to such a fine fabrics. I love the height of the windows! The challenge was to design a drape that would only soften the edges of the windows, compliment them, and allow the windows to remain the centerpiece.

The above photo you can see how the two drapes are tied together. Below is a photo taken from the balcony. I am designing pillows for the sofas and once she is unpacked and art is on the wall....the room will be spectacular!

I love puddling. I like this view because it does remind me of "Gone With the Wind" ball gowns of ladies dancing in a row in a ballroom. This design is not practical if you have pets or small children (the owner has neither). For those who do have children or pets, I would design it similar, but have a few tricks that make it more practical.

After: Window with silk drapes and tiebacks
Below is the hallway that has the beautiful window above. And at the end of the hallway is the master bathroom. I am standing in the bedroom taking this photo. Can you imagine getting out of bed and looking down this hallway every morning and passing the beautiful window on the left as you make your way down to take a bath?

Below: The before photo of the main window in the bath
After: I designed Austrian shades for the master bath. Doesn't it look like whipped cream on a wedding cake? My friend Debbie, who came with me on a visit to this home, is the one who said, "Oh, that shade looks like frosting on a wedding cake!" And now, every time I see it, I do get a sugar craving, and that isn't a joke! So the wedding and ballroom theme continues even into the bathroom... :-)

Before: The bedroom window and study:

Now you may notice that you can see the corner of the bed, but no bedding....that is because I am saving it for another post! Yes, you will have to wait. Actually, we are making a few adjustments to it and I was excited to get the photos out and I didn't want to wait for the adjustments. So, I will have them out later. Maybe I will have the pillows for the sofa done by then as well and you can see those if finished. I hope you enjoyed the peek. Once the home is completed I will be taking more professional shots of the complete home - you should see the kitchen, the upstairs bath, and the sitting room! I will be taking lots of photos of this home in the future. You haven't even seen the study yet.
And now I save the best for last....I want to thank Maureen - the miracle seamstress who can take my designs and figure out all my drawings and my math and make it all work out. She is truly talented and patient and a joy to work with. Her son, Andrew, helped her install the drapes and he is definitely a pro as well. Can you even begin to imagine how many yards and yards of material that was required? I am talking about the fabric you see, the fabric inside to fill it out and the lining behind the fabric. Anyone want to guess?
(If you guessed less than 175 yards you guessed too little.)

Thank you for allowing me to put my art on the "cyber refrigerator" as I like to say. I think that is what we artist use blogs for anyway. I mean, think about it. As a child, what do we do when we create a drawing? We show it to mom or dad and they show it off by putting it on the fridge with a magnet. Now, we are all grown up and no longer do we really hand our "art" over to mom to hang on the fridge and unless we have a gallery (which is just another giant refrigerator), we now post our art in cyber space on our own refrigerator, aka "blog." And our magnet is our posting for all the "moms and dads" out there to see our work and clap for us! And actually, there is nothing wrong with that. I hope we adults never grow too old to clap for one another. And I definitely hope we never grow too old (or too proud) to be willing to put something out there for someone else to clap for in the first place. You know why?
It's called encouragement. And it is called inspiration.
Too often we are so quick to evaluate, criticize, and basically shrug off others' endeavors especially when they have no particular meaning to our own lives. Sometimes we don't even realize we are doing it. And sometimes, our society is very purposeful and mean in doing it. Just pick up a Hollywood tabloid and read who gained 10 pounds (gasp!) or who wore the wrong shoes to an event, or who "needs" an eye job?
Our culture takes great, great joy in knocking down others and seeing others fail...why else would the ratings for American Idol's early season shows be so high? We love to see (unfortunately) which poor slob is going to get slammed by Simon. Or other "reality" shows that vote "losers" off the show...our culture gets great pleasure at the expense of other people's pain. I seriously doubt there would be a reality show that would make it past one season with the theme of encouraging others to excel and exceed, now would there? I kind of like that theme for show: Encourage! Excel! Exceed! The show would have teams in which life tasks are to be performed and there are no losers - the teams are assigned to shelters and which ever team can encourage a member from the shelter to excel and exceed at life and get that person's life back on track again - that team is the winner. And actually - everyone is a winner.
And that is how I see all of our "refrigerator" blogs out there. We all like to show what we are doing and if we feel like "clapping" for the other, then we do and we offer encouragement. And it always feels good to be encouraged. It always feels good to feel like you have someone on your side. And what a bonus when you find out that what you put up on your refrigerator becomes an inspiration for someone else as well!
So, thank you for visiting with me and I do so much enjoy sharing with you. Because there are so many others that have such wiser things to say than I, I like to usually close with a quote from one of those wiser folks:
"We are what we believe we are" Benjamin N. Cardozo
From my house to your house,
This is just breath- taking..... Such a lavish look but yet I want to go sit and enjoy .... The puddles of fabric take you back to the lavish dresses of years past and are just stunning.... This home is just ... makes me speechless. You have worked very hard and have a vision beyond most .... Can't wait to see the bedding..... Blessings to you....
Be encouraged, Elizabeth. I read your blog all the time and it's WON*DER*FUL! :+D
I looove the color combo you used in the bedroom especially. Now I'm suddenly hungry for wedding cake, and I don't know why that is...Hahahaha!
Great job!
What a beautiful job you have done. Beautiful doesn't even seem to be a good enough word! And your posts are so thoughtful - I am so glad I stumbled upon your blog.
Thank you for sharing your talent and your life with everyone. You are an inspiration!
Hi Elizabeth! What a fabulous home and the drapes are all so gorgeous! You do great work!
My goodness. This is such a beautful home...really. Your work is absolutely stunning. I hope you are pitching your work to the shelter magazines. If not, then, you should. Wow!!
I love dropping by your blog, so be encouraged... it's beautiful, inspiring and honest. Be further encouraged that you have done an amazing job 'dressing' this beautiful home. Absolutely breathtaking! My favorite would have to be the bedroom drapes and I cannot wait to see what you have done with the bed. I have a feeling it will send me floating off into dreamland....
The only words that I can possibly utter are "breath taking". How you can take something so utilitarian and make it so regal and elegant is certainly an art! I'm of the mind that a house becomes more of a home with window treatments....and this is spectacular! Yes, I am indeed clapping for you my friend...bravo! Well, done and can't wait to see the rest...Tami E.
Absolutely fabulous! I want all of that furniture. . .NOW! Please give us a little more info about the fabric. Who made it and what is the content and the colors. I love that you added the pale blue and will there be a carpet on the floor. I can see an oriental.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
Elizabeth, you not only have my "applause", but a standing ovation! Your work is divine.
We were in St.Louis this last weekend and drove by your old store and my heart was sad, because I wanted to come in, say Hi, and just give you a big hug...so I will just do that now out there in cyber-space. Thanks for sharing the photos of this lovely home.
P.S. I posted photos of the kids house in U.C. Go by for a look if you have time.
Oh my !!!!!!....These images are just "dreamy"....I feel like it is such an enchanting place...Everything you touch is pure beauty just like you are my friend....Love you C xxx
thanks for your words of encouragement at the end...you have such a lovely spirit.
that home is so feminine and elegant~ like a magical dream!!
however, i read it wrong the first time and kept wondering
"what does pudding have to do with it? elizabeth must be hungry"
Oh my! This is most decadent and elegant! I've never seen anything quite so gorgeous!
A dream home, but the window treatments steal the show! *Applause*
Wow! How amazing!
I don't usually like mansions, because they seem too big and impersonal, but I love what you did. It is big and glamorous, but oddly still homey. You've got talent!
Elizabeth, it's incredible what dressing up the windows will do to a room! Your work is a perfect case in point. Just breathtakingly beautiful. You are lucky to have someone as talented as Maureen to execute your amazing ideas into reality - what a gem! Can't wait to see the rest.
Thank you everyone for the lovely comments - what really impresses me about you all is how you take the time to not only look at the "pretty pictures" but to read my gabbing as well :-) I appreciate that. Wish I could have given you a hug too Debra - and I did stop by your blog to see the kid's house in U.C. I love those old homes!! They live not far from us - but we live more in "the hood" side of U.C. but not far from the park. I love living in the city. I hope they like it too.
Thank you all for visiting!
Bravo! Bravo!! Do you hear me clapping all the way from California? :-D
Great job, Elizabeth!!
P.S. I used to get email updates of when you post and I'm not anymore..does this mean you're gonna post more often and I just will have to keep checking every day? ;-)
Thank you Myrna!
I have no idea what happened to my contact list from AOL (I hate that account!) I tried to transfer the list and it didn't work.
So, please, if anyone would like a notice when I post a new post, please email me at
antbit@aol.com and please in
subject line put: "add me to blog list".
Other wise, I am quick on delete button!
thanks for letting me know!
Girl I will check out your cyber-frig any day! WOW, to come up with this beauty and bless Ms Maureen for having the talent to bring it to life! Can't imagine waking up to those rooms!!! Sugar high is right!
I love the criss/cross ones, such a good idea.
Beautiful blog, I can't wait to see what you post next.
Deb @ Relics
Hi Elizabeth - its the jewelry gal, as you refer to me. lol It's been a while since I've been on your site and took the time this evening to catch up. What a delightful time it has been. From your heart warming story of Mary, Randy's grandmother and your wedding moment to the loss of her life, to Randy's purchase of the barber shop, two new chairs, and your wonderful love that obviously changed a persons life (Clifford) and than to top it all of the wedding article you shared and the absolutely gorgeous work you've designed for drapery in this new home, has been quite an interesting array of blog readings. I've so enjoyed it all.
Going now to see your updated wedding photos next.
I will be thinking of you and praying for your health issues as well. Peace be to you and Randy-
Oh Elizabeth!
Your creativity is so dreamy yet inspiring! That's because LOVE is the theme of all your endeavors, whether designing or writing! Thanks for giving me a space on your refridgerator... Now excuse me as I go to the kitchen and open mine for a quick fix of whipped cream from a can!!
Bravo Elizabeth, You have a wonderful talent of vision. The draperies that you designed for that home are just yummy. Simply elegant without a hint of pretension. I wish however that you could click on the photos to enlarge them to get a closer look, is there any way to change that ?
Dearest Elizabeth, These draperies are so gorgeous... breathtaking actually...my girlfriend and I swooned when looking at this post today! Of course we wanted to see every detail, crinkle and knot but the pics were too tiny. Any way you can make them bigger next time for us? So looking forward to seeing more of this beautiful home. Introduce us to the lovely homeowner too. The seamstress is unbelievably talented! Thanks for sharing your lovely work. Roberta
Thank you for the lovely comments...I don't know how to make the photos bigger so that when you click on them that they show up bigger. Can anyone help?
I may know fabric...but know nothing about the interweaving of electronics!! Haha!
Dearest Elizabeth, I adore these fabulous curtains and your work! Can't imagine all that yardage! It's very easy to have larger pics. On the image page you'll see 'image size'. just change it from small to large.
email me if you need help.
xo Roberta
Oh My Gosh!!! To Quote a friend of mine...A Million Shrieks! I love those beautiful rooms. I love how fabric can warm up a room like nothing else. Simply put...I love your vision and your style. Hugs, Patricia
Absolutely enchanting! Each room is more beautiful than the one before ...especially love the colors in the bedroom window treatments. Now I can't wait to see what you do next to that gorgeous house!
wowza, that is one gorgeous house with beautiful beautiful window coverings. Your vision is amazing!
Your creations give THE special touch to this beautiful home.
Love it!
Best wishes
Magdalena at Color Sepia
My mouth was hanging open as I looked at these pictures! I am so thankful you shared. Gorgeous!!!
Elizabeth, you are a truly gifted artisan! I am amazed at how you transformed the way this room feels by the treatments you chose for the windows. the yards and yards of fabric were genius! I also cannot wait for you to post the rest of your pictures. Take Care of yourself...
Elizabeth~as an aspiring shop owner, I have spent countless hours reading and admiring the blogs of many talented folks here...I must let you know that over the course of a couple of days, I have read your entire blog...and, oh my goodness! I feel such a bond to you already. The things you have shared, the way your words paint beautiful, fanciful vignettes for those who meditate upon them....and your style. Your classic, timeless, impeccable style.
Thank you dear sister, for sharing your abundant talents and generous heart...and for the gift of sending bundles of inspiration from your house to mine.
A standing ovation for you my dear! Clap clap clap! How beautiful!
Wow Elizabeth! I love the attention to detail that you have put in these fabulous drapery treatments. They remind me of the gowns and dresses Deborah Kerr wore in AN Affair to Remember. The prase "livable elegance" exactly describes what you are creating in this gorgeous home. Thank you for sharing your "gift" with us. It's always such a joy to see others use their gifts and talents to bless the lives of those around them. You have blessed my life by sharing your photos. I can't wait to see the rest of your designs!
I am dumbfounded, it's just a dream. It is so pretty that the word pretty doesn't even come close to justice. Classy, sophisticated, sweeping, elegant.
OMG!!!!!!You made us wait, I was just relaxing, ready to put my feet up and snuggle in for a good read (with Pic's) tea and of course, CAKE!...and now we wait.
Thank you Elizabeth! Your expression of words, ye doth share!
Beautiful! One of the most beautiful rooms I have seen. I love your ideas and will continue to read your blogs, you have a great sense of design.
Pretty amazing "Puddeling" for sure...xoxo~Kathy~ @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...
I have died and gone to heaven!! Surely, this is what heaven will look like! Love it, love it, love it! I would really enjoy your sharing favorite resources for such fab silk, and other favs. That is, if it's not a trade secret. If you don't want to be specific, just share ideas, creative sources from the web, locally,etc.
This post really is just breath taking.. Those window treatments are just the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.. OH how I wish I could enjoy this beauty for a day.. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful home..
You have such a pretty blog.. I'm so glad I got to visit.. Be back soon.
Absolutely fabulous, those curtains are gorgeous.
Leeann x
WoW~This house is amazing! Love it!!
I liked the interior design you used for your home. The color of the walls, drapes, cabinets and chairs were mostly white, which gave the house a light and comfortable atmosphere. I will be looking forward to new photos of the home when it is completed.
Beautiful and romantic. Love the peak of blue on the one window.
I just shiver when I look at these pictures. To say they are the definition of "lovely," in an understatement, but they are!
Wow - what a house!!! Your beautiful draperies are the frosting on the cake! Thanks for sharing!
Laurie S.
Where are you ?
We need an update on what you are doing. Miss you
Janice In Missouri
The pictures here are stunning...but your closing comments are breath taking! I wish everyone could have the opportunity to read them and truly take them to heart. Thank you for your creative talents and your words of wisdom. Both are very much appreciated.
Elizabeth the photo shots of these rooms are just Grand. Wow, thanks for sharing.
Hi Elizabeth,
I have just found your blog and it is simply lovely!
Those Austrian shades and the yards and yards of silk have me swooning. Your work is beautiful!!
I'm happy to be your newest blog follower!
Thank you Keri for the lovely comment and welcome! I am so excited that you visited and so happy to have a new follower. It always amazes me to have someone like my work so much that they follow me....what a big honor that is!
Welcome and hope to see you again soon,
Big hug
Elizabeth :-)
Love this home! This post couldn't have come at a better time. I'm getting ready to make curtains for my bedroom and the window treatments here are amazing! Thank you for sharing.
Can I buy the Austrian shades (3) and curtains to go with it - like the blue Austrian shades and ivory curtains in your post from 2009? I can not find them anywhere in TX.
Hello Steph
Thank you for stopping by my site. I custom-design everything from drapes, bedding, to furniture. At the moment, I offer custom designed items only once in a while - as I am concentrating my creative energy on writing and photography. Fabric stores almost always have seamstresses that specialize in drapes. Review their portfolio and show them this image and I am sure you will find what you need.
Take care and visit again
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