Hello my friends,
Thank you for the comments - blogger is broken over here and I see your comments, but can't publish them at the moment. Please keep commenting, as they will get fixed...I am working on that this very moment.
In the meantime, speaking of working. I am sitting here, working on the computer, and reached for my little notebook to look up some notes and as I flip through my little book, I discover the best note of all - a love note.
I snapped the love note with my iPhone and just wanted to share with you. A great way to end the week for me. And a great way for my barber husband to begin his weekend (or as he will find out)! ;-)
Not Shakespeare, Hallmark, Robert Browning or even Elizabeth Barrett could have worded it more perfectly - spiral notepaper and all. Small moments such as this, makes my barber husband taller, stronger, and more handsome than any man in the world.
And he is, too.
Just wanted to share my moment with you. My wish for you is that someone in your life sees you the way I see my barber husband simply because of the way you make them feel.
from my house to your house,

Sounds like a keeper, that husband of yours!
Thank you Susan! Thank you for stopping by. So happy that your comment published - will get other published as soon as I can>
Hope you have a great weekend,
Elizabeth ;-)
Hi Elizabeth:) That is so beautiful. To be married to your best friend is the ultimate.
Have a beautiful weekend.
Debra xxx
capers of the vintage vixens~
Hi Debra!!
Thank you for stopping by. Yes, he is a keeper. I went to your blog - and I am so jealous that you get to go to Brimfield! Thank you for showing fab photos - I died when I saw the textile booth. Those fab booths always seem to be out of my price range - but I drool all over it :-)
Big hugs
I know you're there.
I love you, friend.
What a gem, treasure, delight to read, have, hold in your hands and feel the moments he took to write his feelings down, feelings he had about you. Feelings he has about you. That's a divine love right there, girl. Who wouldn't want to serve, honor, adore and respect a man like him?!
To God be the glory. Hugs and happy weekend,
I knew right from the beginning - when I saw the two of you together on your fabulous wedding day (all of which blew me away - dress, flowers, location, everything), that he was THE ONE! Even though I don't know either of you personally, I just felt that from that day forth, no matter what, he would be there for beautiful you Elizabeth.
Such a sweet vintage-looking note, and yes, so much better than any formal, pre-printed card costing mucho dollars - hold him close and have a wonderful weekend together.
Sorry you have computer problems - hope all will be resolved soon and you can share some Autumn decor/pics with us.
Hugs - Mary
I so agree...much better than Hallmark. Hold onto him tightly...he is a keeper. {like mine , SMILE}
I'm having similar problems with Pinterest... can't Pin! *Gasp... gnashing of teeth and wriging of hands* Hopefully your comments will upload soon as I see you have a slew of them now! What a Beautiful Sentiment of Love your Barber Hubby gave you... those are 'keepers'! I recall one Love Note The Son wrote me for Mother's Day in about first grade... something along the lines of: "I Love you Forever and it will never stop!" It cracked me up cause he was such an intense kiddo and a little bit of him went such a long way that we joked that the 'it will never stop' bit was somewhat of a threat!? *Ha ha ha* I held onto that Note for years and grieved when we lost it while moving. Should have framed it...
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
Hi Debra
Thank you - I hope you have a great weekend too.
Big hugs
Hi Anne
I am always here - thank you for being such a caring friend. I feel very blessed to have you in my life. Keep on smiling, clicking, and sharing all your talent.
big hugs always
Hi Kelley
I just love the way you think. And yes, you are right, I get real pleasure in serving him - as he serves me daily. He's a keeper, but I am blessed that he keeps ME! ;-)
big hugs
Hi Mary,
Thank you for visiting. yes, he is a keeper. I treasure little notes like that way more than any expensive gift. I have all the little letters and notes that my father gave me way back when even. The written word is the best, to me.
Hope you enjoy your weekend and have some time for tea as well!
big hugs
Yes Sandi, I think notepaper, especially when spur of the moment, and no special occasion beats out Hallmark every time. Thanks for visiting and sharing my adventure with my barber husband :-)
Big hug
Hi Dawn,
Your son's love note is so endearing. I bet he meant it too. You have such a colorful life filled with lots of adventures. Thank you for taking time to visit me when you are so busy with hubby, grandkids, and just being you :-)
Big hugs
Not sure my first comment went through, so I'll try again. Just wanted to thank you for leaving the nice comment on Lin's post at my blog. Your blog is so pretty. This is my first visit, and I'll be back.
Hi Nancy
Thank you for stopping by - I went to your google link and saw your adorable small living series. I am in love with those tiny houses - the cabin is my favorite. I don't have a google friends acct so I couldn't comment, but thanks for sharing those pics with us!
Big hugs
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