Sep 15, 2012

If My Life was a Pie...


I hope you are all well, happy, and getting ready for the fall! First, I want to thank my precious guest blogger, my little Lulu, the faux Brit pug, who wrote my last post, as I have been here, there, and everywhere and still have to download photos! Thank you Lulu for doing a wonderful job. Lulu asks me to tell you she loved all your comments, but she didn't know how to reply, but she loved them!  :-)

I have lots to share, but it may be a bit before I can get to my adventure photos as I am on a deadline for a fun project, so in the meantime, I wanted to share with you a wonderful project that is about to come out very soon!

A new book is about to come out that Jo Packham, editor-in-chief of Where Women Cook, called Pieography. Where Pie Meets Biography. 


This book can be pre-ordered now on Amazon, just click on the title above for the link. This is a fabulous book that I am honored to be a small part of. Jo asked many creative women (not sure how many, over 30) what kind of pie captures the essence of their life? We were to write a short essay on what kind of pie would capture us best, and then give out our recipe and in some cases, we could photograph our pie. And yes, I photographed my pie.  Jo Packham is a creative author, publisher, editor, artist, writer and much more and you may also know her as the originator of Where Women Create.

I can't tell you what an honor it was to be asked to participate in such a beautiful book. I have no idea of who else in it and I have only seen a couple of photos, but by the cover and the little I have seen, I am very humbled. 

I am going to share with you what kind of pie I felt best captured the essence of my life, but not my recipe! Not for a while....yes, of course...I want you to support Jo's efforts and these women in the book, so hopefully by sharing some photos that weren't used in the book, that will inspire you to pre-order, or at least think about giving it as a gift to that special baker in your life. Honestly, I am not just saying this, but this would be a book that I would love to get as a gift...and think about could bookmark the recipe that you "would just love to try" and the baker in your life would just have to make it for you! 

It would be the gift that keeps on giving....hahaha.

The assignment isn't as easy as it sounds...we got only 300 words, if I remember correctly. What kind of pie? What kind of pie, I wondered. A fruit pie? I am a little fruity? A pecan pie? That is pretty Texan, if you ask me. Or how about at cream pie? I don't think so...I'm not that diplomatic lately...hmmmm. 

After much thought, I realized my life couldn't be expressed in just one pie....nope. I have had way too many adventures, walked (ran actually) on way too many paths, and plan to do so many more things, that my life just couldn't be contained in one big ole pie dish. In fact, I realized, my life couldn't be contained at all...phooey on the baking dish....

So, I decided, that Little Fried Pies...those best captured the essence of my life. They are from the South, as I am. You get a whole pie to yourself, as I throw my whole self into work, fun, friendships and adventures. They are plate, or fork needed...perfect for on the go, just like my adventures...on the go, go, go. And mostly? The fillings are all just never know what you are going to get...sorta like an adventure with every pie...

Well, after the book comes out, I will share with you my essay. And those of you who know me, or have been reading for me years, you can decide from what you know about me, if Little Fried Pies seem to capture what you know about me or not.

But what about you? What kind of pie do you think would capture the essence of your life? It is kind of fun to think about. What kind of pie would capture a moment, circumstance or situation your experienced in your life? 

I grew up with these little fried pies. My father favored the pecan pies and my mother loved the coconut cream filled. We always had a freezer full of the day-old 10 cent Mrs. Baird's fried pies. Actually, I love frozen fried pies. I love to eat a lot of stuff frozen, actually. I know, weird. But my gal pal, Gretchen, is my frozen buddy...she loves to eat frozen food too!

Something fun to do? Get with a gal pal and decide on what kind of pie you think you would be and why and decide what kind of pie you think your buddy would be and why and then guess what each other's type of pie you chose for yourselves and for each other and why. It is fun!

In the book I give a fab recipe on how to make the dough and give all sorts of ideas for the fillings.

On my next post, I will show you how I boxed them up last Christmas as gifts and show you how I made them as well! Just in time for you to make them maybe this year for your holidays, if you like giving aways treats as gifts.

By then, I should be off my deadline for my current project and have my photos downloaded to share with you my wonderful adventures. Hopefully this post will inspire you to start thinking about some homemade ways to give gifts this year, as money always seems tight, but for some reason, giving homemade goodies is always appreciated. 

I adore homemade gifts, and while you, my readers, are the Queens (and Kings!) of crafting, cooking, and creating...think of all those shoppers in the malls next month or so, rushing around, buying whatever their credit limit will allow...fighting the weather, the crowds, and noise. 

And if you choose to make goodies, you can be warm in your own kitchen, listening to your own music, around your own family, saving money, and creating memories without racking up the credit cards. Just something to consider.

Until then, enjoy the fall weather and know that no matter the gift and no matter its cost; it's the created memories that never wear out.

From my house to your house,



  1. Hey my beautiful friend gorgeous post as always and I have shared some of these gorgeous images onto pinterest... only 3 months till the wedding now :) love you xo

  2. Hi Elizabeth!
    Am a big fan of your blog. Love the photos and the way you make the little things in life so much fun!
    We make a sweet pie here. I am pasting a link to show you what I am talking about.
    Its a big delicacy meant for special occasions, usually weddings. Hope you like it!

  3. Cathy!

    Thank you for sharing my pics. I was thinking about you just the other day and wondered how things were going. I am so happy for you all - very happy :-)

    Big hugs to you all,
    Elizabeth :-)

  4. Rukhsana,

    Your pies looks wonderful! And I looked at some of your other dishes too - I love to cook. So cool to have someone from India reading my blog - I love that! I tried to make a curry chicken dish the other night, but it didn't turn out so well.

    But my FAVORITE dish??? I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE chicken tikka masala!! (sp?). There is a restaurant here that makes the BEST ever, and I could just drink the sauce right out of the bowl....I never share it, and I don't even order from the menu...I already know what I am going to have before I even arrive.

    We have a Global Market here that sells food from all around the world and that is where I get my naan bread - and use it for everything - even to wrap up my German wieners (real German wieners that I get at that store). I know, crazy, right? A real international fanfare over here....

    Just the other day, I made an 1880's old-timey corn-meal dinner roll recipe using real cornmeal ground from a water-turning gristmill. Go day in India, then Germany, then deep in the hills back in the 1800s.

    Thanks for sharing your blog - will visit often.

    Big hug

  5. What a fun and beautiful post~
    We enjoyed Lulu! You can never go wrong with a cute dog, right?
    I am southern and ate fried peach pies every year after the peaches were ready in Fred. It was always a three generation affair with my Mamaw and Mama, aunts and cousins. We ate them faster than they could make them.
    Your photos just took me back in time~ thanks!
    xxx, Tina

  6. Elizabeth b
    By golly you have done it again soulfully getting us to think! Your so good at this, and I bet you never gave it much thought to as how you always get us involved in part of your stories. I so no these little pies I grew up on them, did you ever take them in your lunch pale for school lunch, well I did and when I opened my box and saw one of those little pies I knew it was going to be a great day :)

    Elizabeth, I too eat them or would eat them frozen, I knew I couldn't have been the only weirdo who loved them frozen, I too freeze a lot of goodies and enjoy them cold as ice :)
    If I were a pie, well my life in a pie I would have to agree with you as to being many, not at one time, but through time. For pie tugs at so many memories and emotions when you really get down to it...cherry when I was young for Cherry was my grandfathers favorite and a visit to the grandparents meant Cherry pie it is. Of course Cherry brings up those feelings of theatrics in their home sweet home, and lots of play acting, my grandfather worked as and art producer for Paramount movie studio's Hollywood Calif. so this meant we were on stage in the front room acting out for fun in a dramatic scene, and Cherry pie was dramatic, would you not agree its a given.
    As for later years it was lemon couldn't break that tart taste and as tart as they are it' defines the sweet and tart of my personality with brave creativeness that life can be sour at times growing up. But now a cream pie well what can I say, it's a slower tasting pie, fitting for a lady who takes life a little slower and those cream topped pies have to be enjoyed over friendships while artfully creating a future.

    You my dear friend are my cream pies, a friendship to savor, and one to enjoy its richness given and received.

    Love you my insightful friend.

    Ps. Fifi and mark made a visit to my little home, I am excited to share it with you the photo shoot that excited our home.
    Come visit my post and see that I am already creating for Christmas :)
    Beautiful blessed Sunday to you.

  7. Elizabeth, Congratulations! Your photos are so beautiful and your fried pies look so good! I can't wait for the book to come out!

    I love fried pies too, epecially the fruit filled ones...may have to stop and get a Mrs. Baird's pie on the way home!!

  8. Oh, so lovely! I am not a fan of fruit pies, but the cream pie looks out of this world! I will be ordering a book or two!!!

    your friend,


  9. Oh My Sweet E!!! LOVE the Pie book and the whole concept:)) As always, So Happy For You My Friend:)

    (((Hugs))) Carol

    ps I'm going to post a link to your blog on my FB page:))

  10. your pie was delicious Elizabeth, as is your life

    that project was deeply moving for me (and a bit expanding in the waistline)

    I love hearing more about how you chose that pie...all the submissions totally echoed the woman

    your photographs and styling were fantastic
    (did you hear spring 2013 launch?)
    Anne Marie

  11. What a great idea, I just passed it on to my girlfriend. Sometimes we like to take a day, bring our newest finds (recipes) and make a day of baking together. It is so much fun. Would love to meet up with you sometime. I am a new follower. Blessings, Janet

  12. Beautiful shots Elizabeth. Now I'm hungry and want me some pie! :)
    God bless!

  13. A breath of fresh air. Thank you, once again. And now I want a pie, even a frozen one.


  14. Those are beautiful! Coconut cream would be quite amazing...I've only had fruit ones! My mother baked hers rather than frying and ohhh they were good!
    Chocolate meringue has to be the best pie in the universe. Yes, it is.


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