Sep 8, 2012

Loving the Lulu Blogger

Guest Post by


Hello Mates! (I am speaking with a cockney accent)

My name is Lulu. Me mum asked me if I could do a guest post, as she is busy doing whatever it is she does...I really am not sure as of yet, but I hear it is dashing....

I'm not British, but the accent suits me and I fancy it. When me mum and pop went their ways, me and my older brother went to live with pop, as mum felt it best we had a regular schedule (now that is pronounced "shzedule" as my Brit mates say...)

Monty - my older brother

Monty was supposed to be the guest blogger, but as you can see, his priorities are a bit out of order. So me mum asked me to write for her when she came for a visit. We live far, far away, and we were so happy to see her. I am not sure what she did while she was away...she will have to explain how she went from this...

To a snout....

Ewww!  Stinky snout....

Or what in the world? How did she go from this abandoned building to a chicken in a garden??? Mummy is funny....

What are the chances that mummy climbed up that old ladder to have a go at the view??? Where in the devil is she now??

I think these people saw mummy coming....

Is that the ocean? Is mummy going to visit my British relatives? Oh mummy! That would be wonderful! Oh mummy! I am so very happy to have them come over "the pond" and have tea....(mummy just called me and reminded me I am not British, nor do I have any British relatives...I got carried away...)

Now what is she up to? And here I thought that me and my brother were the reason of her visit....

I haven't heard from mummy in days...very worried....

Oh mummy! Did the big bad wolf get you in the forest? Please come home....oh wait...step barber poppy called to tell me that mummy is so far away that she has zero cell service for almost three days now, but she is fine...  I love my step barber poppy...

Yuck..who is that beast? And why is mummy taking a photo of it?

Well Mates, that is all I have...mummy said she will be back as soon as she can and explain her adventures. I am sure she has lots to tell. 

Hope you enjoyed my first post. I hope you aren't too disappointed.

(oops, Monty said I was supposed to say "Chow" not "Cheerios" he said that was a cereal. I'm not a regular blogger, so I don't know how to sign off...and besides, he older.)

....but I don't favor "chow doggies" and I'm not too keen on signing off by honoring chows, so I think I will just sign off like me mum said to...

from me dog house to your dog house



  1. OMG How cute is this post!!!!! Love all of your gorgeous photos! I hope you are having lots of fun, where ever you are. lol I have some EXCITING news. If you get a chance to stop by my blog;)
    Oh and I just wanted you to know that when my daughter and I opened our new little shop, I read all of your posts about opening a business that I had printed out and saved for this very day!!!You have been such an inspiration to me, you'll never know:) Thank you! But there is more exciting news so stop on by whe you get a minute.
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  2. Too cute!!~ And I could envision Lulu having a British accent!
    Can't wait to hear about your adventures!

  3. Too adorable for words.
    No worries, Lulu.
    Your mom will be home soon~
    pay no attention to that beast in the photo.

  4. That is the cutest pug EVER. Love this post so much...that face...I could just kiss it!!

  5. All I can hear in my head is your kitty cat voice on my voicemail that you left for me!

    You are truly a woman of MANY talents!!!!


    Call you tomorrow

  6. Lulu did such a fine job as guest post - so darling! I can't wait for more details of your adventure to unfold. Ahhh, wanderlust. {HUGS} Heidi


  7. LuLu

    you did good girl
    I often wondered where your brother was living, I seen him once pictured in a magazine when he lived in St Louis Mo
    I am sure where ever your mummy is , she is enjoying herself very much and missing you and your barber step poppy

    I use to have a puppy like your brother and hope to get a sweet puppy like you soon

    cheers see you when move gets back from across the pond

    I am a cat named Shirley


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