Hello! This blog is not allowing me to publish my posting in the order that I intended. If you are reading this first, please go to http://elizabethhousestlouis.blogspot.com/2006/12/mother-nature-attends-eh-open-house.html to read about the Open House postings in the order I intended. Thank you!
Just a few simple photos of different items in the store. Chocolates, glass balls, booklets, charms, and more! Charms by www.cathypentondesigns.com and Femme Fatale booklets by www.secretleaves.com
Thank you so much for sharing my open house with me.
Have a blessed Christmas.
from my house to your house,
Congratulations on your beautiful open house. Thanks for the photos, I feel as though I got a chance to "attend". Your product line is wonderful, very soothing. Merry Christmas, and I think you deserve a well earned holiday break! And a trip to the spa!
Thank you so much for the comments. I like your word, Heather, that the line is soothing. Thanks Deb for the birthday wishes - you have the memory of an elephant - a very chic elephant memory that is!
Wish I could have attended your beautiful open house. Thanks for sharing. Your eye candy is yummy. I have never seen a paper wall. How inspiring! Merry Christmas!
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