I just wanted to update you on my moving up...moving on sale. It has been nice to visit and talk with my lovely customers this past week or so. At the end of the day, my voice is hoarse from calming down surprised customers who just discovered that I am leaving my location " oh noooo! You can't leeaaavvvee!!"
Once they understand that this is a good move for the business, I get smoothered with hugs, kisses, well wishes and promises to stay in touch. It is I, that is so touched. Touched by the emails, the phone calls, the visitors, and the out pour of love and wonderful memories.
I had several customers who like to talk about when I "first came to town." They like to talk about the time that I didn't even have awnings yet, or even employees! They like to talk about all the open houses I threw, the store window displays and of course, the "infamous" sign issue I have had with the city for over two years now.
They also like like to remember the numerous times that I would "pop into" the store with my paint clothes on and they didn't even know who I was...then after a while, they got use to seeing me only in my painted apron, head scarf, stained fingernails and no make-up. Later, I would be "popping into" the store all dressed up, with make-up, and then my customers wouldn't recognize me then!
While I am excited for the change, it is bittersweet - as with any change.
Excitement and worries. Energized, yet tired. Inspired and overwhelmed. Hopeful and doubtful. Looking foward, yet looking back. Tears of happiness and tears of sadness. Looking forward to the last day I am open to the public, yet dreading it as well. Excitement of the unknown and fear of the unknown. But do you want to know what I am feeling right at this very moment??
I am very, very content with my decision, my goals, my direction and my life. And I am going to enjoy this feeling, because for me, it is rare to enjoy the true moment. I am usually so goal-oriented, or so self-critical, or so demanding of myself, I find myself at times, planning my "moments" instead of just living the moment at hand. And you know what? It ain't half bad - meaning - being okay with just today and let tomorrow just wait for me.
Wait for me.
How often do you ever allow yourself or give yourself permission to be important enough to have someone or something just wait for you? How often do you find yourself putting yourself last? Taking care of everyone and everything first? How often do you find yourself rushing, doing, planning, working, organizing all in the name of not having others to wait on you or for you? Why is this? Are we not just as important as those we do for, plan for, and work for? Why don't we have more faith that we truly are important enough that tomorrow really will wait for us - because without us - tomorrow would be so much less...so of course it will wait for us!!
So, today, I moved out some large items from the store and I am just now starting to hear a faint echo within the walls as my store empties. No doubt, as the days pass, the echo will increase in volume and I have faith that as the volume increases, my fears and doubts will faint away - making room for more goals, more dreams, more work to be done.
But for today...I am just going to be content with a faint echo...because quite frankly...I like what I am hearing.
May the quiet echos of your life bring contentment to your heart.
from my house to your house,
hello dear E
Oh contentment is such a beautiful thing isn't it and you so deserve some of that... Sending you loads of hugs from the other side of the world...
Hooray for you, Elizabeth! I admire your determination and commitment to yourself and your dreams. I wish you the very best and truly hope you keep your blog going for those of us that don't have the privilege of living close to you. Yours is truly one of my favorite spots to visit on the net. Inspirational in everything you do. Best of luck wherever the road in life takes you!
Hello, Elizabeth! I have read your blogs, and studied your website but never posted a response. Today, based on the changes happening in your life, I feel compelled to post one. I, too am making a big change. I am moving my shop from a teeny first space to one three times bigger. I feel every one of the feelings you describe including the echo--only my echo will get softer as the merchandise moves in, not out. I am truly happy for you, although I must admit it gave me comfort to read that you have gone through many things I have gone through. I will miss the comraderie of you as a shop owner,even though we've never met. Best wishes to you in all you do--although you don't need them. You are in your own class and I aspire to reach the level you have. Please keep all of us in the know as to your whereabouts and ventures--peace and happiness to you always.
Sweet Pea
Oh wow...as always such a great post...loved the part about waiting for you...so true .....Elizabeth, all the best for you and I wish you so many blessings and peace.....I have absolutely no doubt, that whatever you do...it will be extremely successful......
Thank you Cathy, Dorothy and Sweet Pea....I feel very honored to have so many wonderful friends wishing me well. Sweet Pea, you will do great!! I remember when I went from a little space to larger then a larger then finally my store - what an exciting time for you!!
Thank you for taking interest in this little shop owner's life and adventures.
Thank you Gypsy Purple - I appreciate your confidence in me - great to have when at times it might be lacking now and again...but only momentarily :-)
Thank you again,
That "Faint Echo" is with all of us through out our lives. Listen closely, graduation time, wedding days, the birth of child, loss of a loved one, moving, on and on. The past has helped make us what we are today (never should be forgotten) and the future what we will become.
Elizabeth, you are making new "moments" in your life that will take you on a wonderful journey--Enjoy. We will all be there to share your experience and watch you fly with new wings.
May God Bless your journey.
Elizabeth: I am one of those early days customers who remembers your store without the awning, with more convenient parking (!), Monty the pug and his shy sister (?) and how excited you were to open your store. The story you told me about how you ended up in St Louis gave me hope that someday I, too will have my dream come true.
I think I stumbled upon your store the first week you were open as I live really close and was driving by on my way home. Good luck to you in all that you do and hopefully we'll continue to see you around St Louis a bit longer. Your store and your cheerful personality will certainly be missed.
Dear Elizabeth
I was so surprized to find your comment on my blogg this afternoon. Thank you so much!
And yes, Leonorah is a web shop. At the moment only for the Norwegian Marked.
Your blogg looks fantastic!
I will take the time to look/read some more and will (if you want) write back later.
Have a great day - Norah
I am so excited about your move, and I can feel you are more then ready for this next step. All the best wishes, Merisi
(My daughter is taking off for a summer in St. Louis on Friday. Small world.)
Elizabeth: I think what I've enjoyed reading most about your postings is your sincerity, that is truly felt through your writings. You are not only a gifted designer, photographer, but writer as well. May God's peace and blessings take you through the next chapter of your life.
okay, you and Sweet Pea are living my dream! sorry for my candor... I am excited to see where you go! good luck!
Thank you for the lovely comments! Yes, it seems like only yesterday that I was trying to figure out how to run the credit card machine and that Monty was trotting up as the offical store greeter. Lulu, his "shy" sister, is no longer shy but a hand full! Thank you again,
Garden Antiques what a wonderful compliment - it means so much to me to know that what I write comes across so sincere (because it is), and my loving to write is a joy I am glad to share, but how nice to know that others enjoy it too!
Thank you!
Elizabeth, you write so well. I'm excited for you and all your new endeavors. I'm sure, if you're involved with it, the changes you are making will be wonderful. You have a touch and I'm so glad that you are going to be spreading that gift further than the four walls of your sweet store. Maybe now, even though I live so many miles away from you, I and so many others will be able to enjoy your talent. Whether it be a wonderful book (which you know you have to do) or your own lines of merchandise (hope to order some for the store). Wishing you love & much success in whatever you're doing! xxoo Dawn ~ The Plum Tree Antiques
HI, I'm Irene and I live in Argentina. I find your blog very interesting and hope you keep on writing !!
Your photos are so lovely, really admire your talent and passion (like you said) for what you do.
Thanks for sharing information and tips !!
Thank you Dawn - I love having people like you in my life - we all need cheerleaders and I am so fortunate to have so many.
I love that I have international friends! It really makes the world so much more comfortable, don't you think? I hope we meet someday!
What a womanly woman you are...not afraid of risk and setting the trend, no ahead of the trend...people used to ask me "did you see that on Martha?" and I would say, "no I thought of that myself" hehe....just din't have enought money to write a book....
Your blog is beautiful and you are very inspiring.
Hey Elizabeth! Thanx for stopping by my blog, I see we have a mutual friend in Chris! Love your blog, and can't WAIT til you have your stuff available on line, I'll be waiting with bated breath!
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