Wanna see a home so fab that it will make you drool??
Sooo, speaking of my good friend, Debbie, owner of the wonderful Curious Sofa in Kansas City. She has been featured in Country Living and numerous other magazines and newspapers. She recently made the local paper and the article gives you a little insight to this creative friend of mine. I was honored to be intereviewed by the writer of the article - I got to put in my two cents worth about my much admiration for my dear friend. Please take a look: Story about Debbie Dusenberry. You will love reading about her fab home!
If junk had a social class, then meet self-proclaimed Junk Queens!
And before I leave the subject of Debbie....she and I recently had a nice visit. Some of you may know that she and I really are real friends - not just in the cyber sense. I met this wonderful woman only a couple of months after I opened my store. She writes about that first encounter in her blog and includes some photos of us junking together. I took photos - but I accidently deleted them! I was so upset because it was going to be a great post. So, please take a quick view of our junking photos and read how we met and how we remain very good friends. Elizabeth and Debbie junking.
Have you ever wanted one of those really cool, old gas stoves???
Yup. I am selling my very beloved 1939 circa O'Keeffe and Merritt gas stove! I hate to sell it but I won't be needing it for now and I hate to have it sit, unused in storage. It is white enamel, 4 gas burners, center griddle and storage bin as well as broiler. It works great but the oven gets really hot, and for years I just got use to putting the flame low and watch what I am baking - I made many Thanksgiving turkeys in that oven!
If you are a lover of these old stoves, you know they go in the range of $2500 up to $5000. I am letting my go for $1500 AND it has all its components such as the removable salt and pepper shakers, the knobs, and a working stove top light. I won't ship nor do I have time to research shipping with my moving and closing the store right now. If interested, and you have a way to come pick it up, please post a comment to me with your email and contact info (I won't publish your comments with your private information). Thanks for viewing it!
May I crow just a bit for a new business owner?
As many of you may know by now (if you read my blog) that I am a big supporter of those who go after their dreams, take a chance and step out on the edge. I am so proud to learn of those women (and yes, some men) that finally open their doors to their little shop.
Believe me when I tell you, I know the stress, the happiness, the worries and the pride the new shop owner feels when she opens her door for the first time, rings up the first sale, answers her first phone call, places her first ad in the paper, and then, turns off her store lights for the first time, and before she walks away to go home after a long and very exciting day, she will turn and look at her store, with the windows all lit, and her name on the door. That is a feeling that is just reserved for only those brave enough to step out of their comfort zone.
Also, if you read my blog, you will know that I am a VERY big believer in helping others because I believe with all my heart, that there is more than enough to go around - meaning - I don't see other boutique owners, or on-line stores as competetion because there are enough customers for everyone. I couldn't service everyone even if I wanted to! I have a new posting on my shop talk series on this very topic: competition. Please take a moment to read my latest shop talk posting.
So....I got a lovely email from Becky Maples, of North Carolina, who just opened her first little store, Rusty Rooster Gift and Curiosity Shop. She has only two postings and has a lovely way of writing about her first days as a new shop owner. Please stop by and read her blog (read Becky's blog) - especially for those of you in the dream stage and planning stages of owning your own store - you will be getting a fresh look at a very brand new braveheart!
I don't know Becky and have never been to her store, but I am bursting with pride at her courage, her talent and pride in living her dream. Feel free to drop her a note of encouragement - we store owners never, ever, ever tire of words of encouragement. Lord knows, sometimes, those words are what keep our dreams alive.
One Last Note...
And just one last reminder to those who have asked me to continue my shop talk series. I do have a new blog on this topic. To check if I have a new posting - just click on "view my complete profile" and you will see my blogs listed. The latest topic is about competition and getting your share (or piece) of the pie. Please read, if you wish, (shop talk posting) and forward it to those you feel would benefit from it. If you have a particular topic you would like me to address, please feel free to email me and I will do my best to cover that topic if I feel qualified.
Thank you so very much for your kindness, support, and encouragement. I hope to meet you all someday - and I do mean that.
from my house to your house,
Elizabeth, I know I keep repeating myself, but your blog is one of my favorites to read. Enjoyed reading Deb's (Curious Sofa) article in the Kansas City Paper online. You two seem to be kindred spirits! How lucky we are that you both share your talent so willingly!
Hope everything is going well for you in this time of change. As always, I wish you best of luck and the best of everything with all your plans ahead!
As always, a stunning post...with so much useful and inspirational info..... and a delight to read...thanks!!!!!!
Elizabeth, I have really enjoyed ALL of the inspiration that you ooze - from your writing, photography,brilliant design "candy", to your personal sharing of your adventures AND your thoughts - thank you, thank you for these generous gifts. I wish for you the best of everything ahead.. maybe one day our paths will cross! How nice that would be - for me, at least! ;-)
I am just getting home from a long day of painting at my new shop location. I have outgrown the old one and now am prepping to move to a bigger place. I feel the soreness setting in around my shoulders and tomorrow I'll be right back at it. Just as gas hits an all time high I am going out on a financial limb to buy even more inventory and pay more rent. But my heart calls me to do this and I am trusting that all will be okay. These blogs keep me going too. Maybe I'll forward some pictures when it's done. For now, sign me pooped in Florida.
Hey there pooped in Florida! I am taking a break and got your email...I am also painting - getting my projects done before I tear down my workshop and rebuild it in my new location. You are increasing in size and I am downsizing....you are painting, I am painting, you are thinking about your long list of things to do and I am procrastinating with my emails...haha. Thank you for writing - I bet you will be a hit in your new space - many good wishes are being sent you way!
I'm so glad I have a token of Elizabeth House. On the way to CA we stopped @ your shop and was delighted. Bought a chandelier and still need to get my husband to wire it! Hope to have it hanging in our store's office. Best wishes to your new journey.
Best, Kara
Oh how cool, Kara! Did we get to meet? Please forgive me if we did and I need to ask....I am so thrilled to know that a piece of my store will be with you. Very cool. Also, I LOVE your headline in your blog - very whimsical - and I wish I had thought of it. I am stealing the idea - not your words of course, but the idea to be a little more creative with my heading - hmmm, will think of it.
Thank you :-)
Elizabeth - I was reading through old magazines this weekend and found an article marked from and old Mary Englebreit mag. IT took me by surprise to really study it and rediscover you. I had forgotten this particular article. I wish you the best as you travel this next phase of your journey.
have a wonderful day
Back and forth and back and forth...I keep reading and reading....inspiration lurks just beyond sleep which is now not with me....white wine and blogging into the wee hours...I hope you're staying tuned on this end, too.xoxooxoxo
Dear Elizabeth,
I'm with you. It's important to live in your dream! Also,
It is so important to encourage one another. There is enough biz to go around for all of us. I have succeeded when others failed, and I have been the one not making moola when others are bringing it in.
Most of my life I have worked for myself. I have always had the perfect amount of money. I have always had a nice roof over my head and good food to eat, and creative materials to work with. Were all here for a differnt reason. Mine has to do with with people. My art has intoduced me to the right people and friends.
So glad to visit your site!
wow! what a nice things to say! i do believe that good follows good. i have just found your blog and look forward to clicking around your fabulous links. great post!
Wow, for the last year I have been pouring myself into Curious Deb's blogs and somehow I completely missed the "Elizabeth" mention (the inspiration behind Deb's copies of ferns/butterflies on old phonebook pages)and the link to your blog and site. What I have been missing!!! So glad to literally have stumbled on you this evening and coincidence that this month I bought a copy of RH for the first time? Didn't realize you were one in the same until I started scrolling down through your photos. I look forward to perusing your blogs. Thank you for sharing with all of us!!
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