Jul 2, 2007

If only I could buy an hour or two...

Is it just me, or do you also believe that you get more than 24 hours in a day, unlike the like the rest of the world? I am so pooped you can't imagine....wait....yes...I am sure you can. Like I am the only person who ever moved? Of course you know that lovely fact of life - moving. This photo is of me and my new best friend - the broom. I call her Helga. It is a sturdy name. And I lean on Helga a lot lately - mainly because my feet are tired. And dirty. And stinky, if you really want to know - I know, I know. TMI. (Too much information.)

But moving should be a snap for me, of all people because in the last 24 years, I have had 16 addresses! Some are from one country to another and some are from state to state and some are from one side of town to the other. After 16 moves, you'd think I would have it figured out. But then again, I use electricity 365 days a year for 43 years, and I still don't have that figured out either.

But, just a short update for now - as I am up to my eyeballs in boxes, files, paint brushes, bolts of fabric and deadlines. Yes, I am alive! And thank you so very much to all of you who have emailed me with your concerns and worries about me be "absent" for so long. How heartwarming to know that so many care.

I apologize for the long silence, but my technical world has been out of sorts for a bit. New office, hooking up phones, faxes, computers, Internet, wireless at that, and then a brand new cell phone and service carrier. My phone numbers can't be transferred and I have to do it all by hand - but my charger is packed somewhere in this place of mine, and I have no access to any of my numbers just yet. I've also been out of town quite a bit and in short - I just refuse to accept that I get 24 hours like the rest of the population.

But in short:

I am still living in St. Louis. I will have an online store - but that has been temporary delayed as my online store is still being "put together" and I promise, you will be the first to know when it is up and running. I have a small presence in a store called Francesca's located in St. Louis on the corner of Nottingham and Mackland (South Hampton Neighborhood). This is a wonderful little street with wonderfully new coffee house, stores, and grocers. I will post photos of the street for you. If in the area, you need to check this little section of town out. It is a co-op and is opened ONLY Fridays and Saturdays. It is brand new, and I am still in the process of stocking my space. So, my local customers can still get soaps and candles, lavender and baby items. These items will be available on line as well. I will get the actual address and photos of the space in my next blog. (It is 11PM, and I can only guess where my address book is at this time and I am too pooped to hunt it down right now....but I promise to get you information soon.)

I still paint, design bedding, drapes, and do design projects. I will still do photography as well. But it takes time to set up my office, my workshop with all my tools and equipment, my design studio, my Internet business space and of course, my living space.

Future postings to this blog will include updates on my new neighborhood, projects, before and after pictures, and yes, the after pictures of that bedroom that I posted the before photos for you. Oh, and I will post some photos of my bathroom in my old apartment. I have had that request several times now, and I finally took some time to shoot it before I took it all apart.

Well, back to work again. Helga awaits. The photo above is me in my bare studio. Moving out of this apartment is bittersweet in many ways. So many hours spent painting and designing it. So many memories. But as I stood in my empty apartment, all alone, and walked through it one more time, I felt contentment. Content that I did my best. Content that I will continue to grow. Content that my time spent in this apartment, was time well spent. As I walked down my favorite tree-lined hallway towards my apartment door, I ran my fingers across the beautiful trees that my friend, Sherrie painted for me so long ago. Along the branches I wrote in tiny, tiny letters my favorite quotes all along the limbs. My fingers stopped on a particular quote that has carried me well:

"It is never too late to become what you might have been." by George Eliot.

I thought about that for a moment and decided that whatever it is that I am meant to be, I will be it with all my heart and soul. And with that last thought, I left my apartment and trotted down the steps to the street (I never walk down stairs, always trotting). And as I pulled out of the parking lot, I glanced over to the paper-covered windows of my empty store front, and my bare balcony of my apartment and thought "it was good, really good. I am now ready for better. Much better."

Thank you for helping me to be better. Without you, being better wouldn't matter much to me.

Have a very safe and happy 4th of July. We are so fortunate to have our freedoms and our safe home. And I hope you join me in finding a way to thank a military member for their service. Without them, our way of life would be so very different. And frankly, I love my life.

from my (new) house to your house,


cathypentonatelier said...

So, so lovely to hear from you my friend... Was thinking of you earlier today so you must have read my mind... I can't wait to hear about all your new adventures ... I so love that quote as well, I actually have it written on a chalk board in my room... Just know you are constantly in my thoughts..

Anonymous said...

I love that quote as well & glad to hear your are still alive. I can't wait to see what wonders will appear on the blog in the upcoming months.

stadtgarten said...

It sounds as if you have been very very busy and still are - but also very content with the decision you made.

As I am now in a state of wanting to change something in my life, too, I especially loved the quote by George Elliot. Thanks a lot for this.

I stopped by at your blog several times the last weeks and I am very happy that you are back now.
I am looking forward to reading what's going on with you.

Catalina said...

love the picture!

and yes..impossible to enlarge time....or...is it?

Anonymous said...

We are all so happy to know you are out there, growing, happy, and I know very tired. I've checked each day for an update, knowing that your life is very busy. It takes a lot of time and effort to reorganize your life and grow.
Just remember we are here to follow every step and cheer you on. Listen closely, you'll hear us and feel us every step of the way.
Blessings to you.

Dorothy Blum Cooper said...

I'm so glad you posted an update, Elizabeth. It all sounds so wonderful! I can't wait to hear about the next chapter in your life! I'm sure it will not only be exciting, but a complete success!! Have a Happy 4th and thank you for your time and service to our great country!!

The Paris Apartment said...

thanks for the update elizabeth, you are the inspiration for so many, can't wait to see what you're about to embark on. guess lots of us are in a state of flux and it's comforting knowing we're all in it together!

Garden Antqs Vintage said...

Elizabeth: glad to hear all is well; I love the quote. It really spoke to me. You will need a mini vacation after this. Take care and can't wait to hear about your next adventure!
Theresa-Garden Antqs

secretleaves said...

So glad to hear from you! I thought you were either dead or mad at me! Thank God it's neither! Can't wait to see you at the barbeque tomorrow and to meet Randy. Glad you are doing well. Miss you!


Gypsy Purple said...

Lovely to hear from you again...I often wonder how you are and how things are proceeding...this post confirms...you are purposefully following your dream....you go girl...and update from time to time....I`ll hold thumbs!!!!!

Anonymous said...

How nice to meet you!I feel like we are kindred spirits.I've seen your beautiful store in magazine pages and always wanted to get there. I closed my shop two years ago and can certainly commiserate with you, especially with city hall- every town has one, and unfortunately it's still the good old boys running them! Good luck to you in your new endeavors, can't wait to see what your up too.
I'm working on a book as well, and you truly are an inspiration K

Maryam in Marrakesh said...

Best of luck with the move! So exciting...I love change:-)

Anonymous said...

I wish I could look half as sexy with a broom as you do! Go girl Go! I am so happy to hear you are well, and full swing ahead... ! What a fabulous floor, I know your next one will be even better! Looking forward to more updates and creative storms...

Elizabeth Maxson said...

Thank you everyone for you well wishes - it means so much to me. I missed you like you will never know. I can't wait to be up and running smoothly again and fill you in on more details.

More to come - and thank you for taking time out of your busy lives to visit mine.

Anonymous said...

What a rush of emotion seeing you in your empty studio. I am looking at a pic of the two of us attached to my bulletin board. It was taken in your appartment on one of those cold evenings before you had heat. We are in our paint clothes and we have big smiles on our faces after a long day of painting. I will miss your apartment but will never forget the fun we had working and creating together.(gray, blue, brown)I know you will continue to grow and touch the lives of many through your infectious laugh and outstanding talents.

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